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Timely CWB Final Payment

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    Burbert, sounds like you and Hugo will get along very well. I will buy your farmland and you can use that money to buy farmland in Venezuela where you can be nationalized and enter into some collectivized farming. No more worrying about markets and who is getting rich and who is getting screwed, you can be a serf of the state all you want down there.


      By the way burbert, I have done some risk management by selling two years worth of canola futures, three years worth of corn futures, three years of soybean futures and next year's oat crop during the highs starting in the spring and the remainder in the early summer. Yes, prices could go higher, but $300 per acre profit based on high fertilizer and other inputs is too much money to not lock in so we did it. That is risk management my friend and I recommend that you look into it. Although, making money might be too capitalist for you.


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