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Timely CWB Final Payment

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    Geeez, maybe grey poupon has something there in abdicating the board grains by open market supporters. The fact that 15% of us grow 80% of the CWBs tonnage and the large majority of that demographic are proven to be choice minded, the board as we know it could fade away all on its own based soley on its own arrogance and incompetence. In a year or two someone would be begging us to grow wheat,durum and barley.


      Mustard screw you, you have no right to tell us not to grow wheat or malt barley.
      We grow malt and human consumption wheat very well and there is a huge premium market around the world, why should we have to settle for 2 dollars per bushel off world prices so that you can be happy.


        Enjoy your 07-08 final. Your 08-09 orderly marketing will have missed the majority of the good pricing opportunities this crop year. We should have more companies that hold all our grain sales till mid December so we can have an even larger Christmas present.


          Hopperbin I am not telling YOU to stop growing wheat and malt BUT if your gonna ,then Stop Bitchin about the Cwb.
          There's your Choice !

          Comprende ?

          Get over it and get on with life.

          Hopperbin you'd better not lump all the Colonies in with your side as They're not , they like the CWB


            Snappy did someone kick you in the balls ?? cause you seem to be talking in a HIGH pitched voice. LOL


              Mustard, I would continue to have a battle of smarts with you............but I see you come unarmed!


                By the way Snappy I haven't been bitchin' about the price of fertilizer..


                  Musty you are bitchen so stop supporting the Monopoly.


                    timely,how about timely marketing of grain this past year. With all the expierenced marketers the CWB has hired. We should have hit the top. But the board is terrible selling into a rising market. Now selling into a declining market thats where they really shine. Can't wait to open the envelope.


                      Opened the CWB packet yesterday, then went to town to shop. Everyone around home smiling, looking forward to Xmas. Money in the bank always gives one, a warm and fuzzy feeling!!!!


                        News Flash
                        Canadian Wheat Board is proposing a name change to the Santa Clause Wheat Board. Under the new board there will be no interm payments so that the final will be worthy of enough money to make sure everyone has something under the tree. Final payments will no longer be direct deposit or mailed but instead delivered by sleigh and 8 reindeer. Ho-Ho-Ho-Ho


                          Perhaps Burbert doesn't consider farmers to be real business managers but rather employees of the Canadian wheat board. A farmer collects his union based salary every time they deliver the CWB owned product (perhaps never was owned by the farmer) and then they have the privilege of a bonus for good work/timely deliveries at the end of the calendar based on the performance of the CWB business.

                          I like the Santa Claus analogy by the way.


                            My e-malt quote of the week.

                            Quote of the week

                            "Beer will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no beer."

                            Maureen Ogle, beer historian


                              LOL, snappy. Better read my opinion today. lol Pars


                                Money in the bank, Charliep. Burbert doesn't care, how or who puts it there. CWB, is far better, than pie in the sky dreams of Angribusiness Risk Managing, Farm Managers, Globalization, Market Meltdown, world, that we are now entering. What you'se guys should be workin on is getting the Harpster and Cracker guy to preogie the CWB. Then the Albertie Grain Commission, kin make us all very very happy, because Alberta Gag kin inform and advise us how to get rich, like bison, miniature ponies, ostriches, elk, deer ranchin, emus, mung beans, racing pigeions, wine makin, saskatoon pies, goose feathers all at Farmers markets across the nation.


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