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Iggy And Stevie

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    Iggy And Stevie

    Stevie and Iggy kissed and made up in a meeting today. Looks like they might actually get down to work and try to help the economy. Looks like the BQ and NDP are none to happy. Between the Cons staring into the Abyss and the Libs worrying about their popularity cooler heads will prevail. Steve actually spoke glowingly of Iggy.

    Who exactly would be the ones staring into the abyss right now as?

    How about an election?


      Silverback and how about the conservatives pay for it as well as the 300 million the last one cost.

      We don't even know how much money we have in the Canadian gov't bank account


        Yes, much better just to throw out the old leader we loved last week, appoint a new leader and overthrow a government just to avoid all those costly election thingys.

        Those separatists are not such bad guys, much better than that evil harper, we can trust them to prop us up.

        Then we should start with 30 Billion dollars dropped out of airplanes to whoever cries the loudest for a bailout. Deficit? Who cares hey? Stimulus sounds much better when dealing with these things.


          DING DING DING
          Just over the news wire.

          Harper says were going into deficit and the economy is in trouble.

          I new he was stupid but now you can add spineless.

          Now my kids can look forward to bailing out pin head toronto bankers.


            But this is good news for inflationists.


              But Cotton the manufacturing industry are the ones that need the assistance, like you said before the manufacturing industry is dead. This manufacturing industry that we have left is important for the economy. What the world needs to do is stop trading with China. Oh crap our economy need to sell raw product to China, Or put import tarrifs on anything coming from China. They are doing it to us. That is how the Chinese gov't makes there money is from import tariffs. Come on Stevie Wonder where is that back bone we once seen, You can be a good man Iggy if you work with this Prime Minister.


                Steve, is busy watching what our Amerikan cousins are doin. Maybe he'll git an idea or two, then we kin do the same here in Canada. In the mean time, its all about Xmas, lets face it politicos have lots and lots of money to spend on stuff. Why worry, be happy. There is always lots in the trough, just keep going back and scooping it up. Methinks that a fact finding trade mission is in the works, an exotic trip to a warm destination, may solve all our economic problems. Good time to be out of the country, after Xmas, maybe visit the troopers in Afganeestan too, always a good PR booster.


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