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Closing down All Production For 2009

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    Closing down All Production For 2009

    Well Chrysler is doing it for Jobs Jobs Jobs, No change in management, GMC is doing it for Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, No change in management. Stores are closing down all over the place, Fert Companies wont budge on Over priced product that they created, Seed costs are outrageous, Spray is nuts So here is new one All are hopping for Bale out watch the coming weeks, Well were not going to Seed any thing in 2009. Cost are prohibited to farming and no kind of profit for our share holders so We have decided to not seed in 2009 People can starve could care less. Really couldn't care at all.
    Will Holiday and spend time with our family.
    Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.

    Maybe you could become a farm leader. This is exactly what they should be talking about for next while. Good idea sf3.

    If it makes no sense to build cars with a 20 billion dollar bailout - it makes even less sense to grow a crop in 2009. It just is amazing that when the gov'ts had surplusses they couldn't give a good god damn about ag. Now, when they knew they had no money they can find billions to spend on the auto sector.


      couldnt more agree with SS3. Perhaps fert are waiting till after new year as farmer may buying fert for tax purpose at end of year or waiting to see hutteries bluffing. This year I am going to pay large load of tax that I am willing to give away than fert retailer and they can keep their shit. May thinking of some or little than usually or maybe none fert for 2009 crop.


        It just makes me mad that all these Super Banks, Super Brokerage firms, Car,Equipment home builders,Union people CEO Actors etc, etc etc. all played the big shots with no money. Food was a forgotten entity that the meek produced for rest. The world is in a tail spin and my thinking is were not even near bottom. Deflation is coming, unemployment, soup lines, Crime and maybe WAR. Its sad really one Day in Feb we had some optimism and then the pigs came out in full force will we learn probably not history does repeat itself over and over. Hopefully I am wrong on whats ahead.


          There is no problem General Mills beats estimates. They raised prices last summer sighting higher grain prices , now as all their costs are coming down partly due to farmers, they are making record profits. Have to learn how to grow Cheerios. Strange there are no cheerio factories in Western Canada.


            SF3,if you did not plant a crop we would not be able to hear all your complaining about it.


              Yea I complain but, as far as farmers go, is it always as perfect as all the leaches tell us. Or is it a big joke and we really are the suckers that feed the world for nothing. Answer me this the way things sit right now how smart is it to dump huge inputs into a crop that's back to 2004 prices?


                Absolutly right issue to be talking about. The auto industry workers don't want to take a pay cut, want jobs to be guaranteed while they get a bail out to keep producing a product that the middle class cannot afford to buy. And who's money is it they are getting it's the middle class tax dollars. That is the basis of this whole issue that the so called upper class and media is doing a good job of fogging over. Why is the housing market in trouble? the banking industry? etc. It is because the middle class of people have been gouged by unions, big corporations, and governments to the point where as a group we cannot go on. The answer to this crisis is not to steal more money from the middle class to support those that have been screwing society all along, the answer is to put money back to the middle class, farmers, labourers, small business etc so that we can afford cars, and houses etc.
                Where the hell is the assistance for us farmers, one good year of crop in the last 6 and our troubles are gone, bullshit, Some of these so called grain traders and government and private analysts need a good kick in the ass because they are not portraying the reality of our industry. The industry was supposedly booming, but for who, fertilizer companies etc.
                These auto workers and bankers need to do what we've had to do, get another f'n job, get their wife to get another job, get their kids to work, get their dog a job just so they can keep going to the auto plant and bank and work there to break even at best.
                Harper better not give this bail out they are talking about here without scrapping that F'n CAIS program and immediately do something not just for the livestock sector but the whole ag sector.


                  Are prices really back to 2004 levels? No! Try 2007. 2004 was $6 for canola and $4.50 for wheat. You need to look back further than 8 months to get a little perspective. The reason canola is down to $8 is because guys grew 40 or 50 bushels. How does that pencil out? Not too bad at all. Those who had a poor crop are in tough, but everyone else is not doing too bad. Yes, fert prices are high but they will come down over the next couple of months. Take a pill!


                    Zapper its guys like you who just don't get it at all. You live in a bubble day to day. You justify your existence as a farmer on fact you had a huge canola crop in 2008 and at 8 dollars your making money so fert, seed and chemicals should be where there at. Your advisor from P management must have told you that your doing good so keep spending on your farm. Farmers need to wake up. We had a canola crop yes, But explain to me why all commodities are in the tank did our huge canola crop effect every single commodity in the whole fricking world. The answer is No were in a free fall melt down and guys like you are saying its OK lets just spend our way out of this. HA HA HA> its been done before and look at the USA for your answer on how that works.


                      No, I just don't expect peak prices to last forever. I sell based on profitability, not prices from eight months ago. And I'm not a Pike customer. It's just good old common sense. Wishful thinking never pays the bills.


                        Yea the one day of real prices really didn't last forever it lasted 24hrs


                          Yes we should not seed as much this year. I and my neighbors have been saying this for years, but no one ever does something about it. It would be a monumental task. i know I will have voluntary summerfallow for the first time in 15 years this next year.

                          And Zaphod, I like you had a good crop. Nay, an excellent crop. However, it was the first crop I had that was decent since 2003, due to excessive moisture and unseeded acres, frost, etc. So, yes the crop was there, some was priced well, but boy, many of us up here are still behind the ole 8 ball. Had we had a crop in 07, it would have been the difference for us. Unfortunately we did not have one. The future is still in doubt for the area farmers.


                            Saskfarmer if everyone thought like you did the farming community would be a lot better place to be in.There are way too many boneheads at the primary level who are too willing to bend over for the corps and think nothing of it.This "economic crisis" we are in now would pale in comparison to what we could do to the world if we could just get our act together.We DO have the power to starve the world in 1 single year.All it would take is to get everyone on side.Are we up to the task?


                              I'm on board!


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