Viagra offered $480/tn for 46 yesterday for imediate delivery , offer good until friday only! Man are these guys getting desperate. S/F have fert prices in your area not fallen to this level?
Manager at Vitera said a price change will happen again on monday. As well 21-0-0-24 is at $280/tn. A few spreaders are starting to roll in the area.
We have a one pass liquid seeding system and do not need to buy at this time. We have some storage 24,000 gal but are in no hurry to fill yet as liquid N is now a .15/lb prem over 46. May spread 40-0-0-20(actual), then just buy liquid in Jan/Mar for seed place with the alpine. What are others thinking?
Manager at Vitera said a price change will happen again on monday. As well 21-0-0-24 is at $280/tn. A few spreaders are starting to roll in the area.
We have a one pass liquid seeding system and do not need to buy at this time. We have some storage 24,000 gal but are in no hurry to fill yet as liquid N is now a .15/lb prem over 46. May spread 40-0-0-20(actual), then just buy liquid in Jan/Mar for seed place with the alpine. What are others thinking?