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    Maybe we should concentrate the wealth of the world to an even smaller percentage of the population. Like C.C. Sabathia of the Yankees. He makes more money pitching one inning that the average american makes in one full year of work. It is rediculous. And consumers are tightening their belts. And then the americans are taking the blue collar workers money and forking it over the the rich (so much for free market capitalism). What a joke, and people are surprised that the economy is failing.


      Yes, just ask the Russians under Soviet rule how well communism and socialism work which is the alternative to free market capitalism. Actually, we live under a mixed economy. If someone is talented, they should be able to be rewarded. Who cares if someone makes more pitching in one inning than others do in a lifetime. If all wealth is shared, and those willing to take risks by innovating and reaping rewards were not able to do so we would be living in the stone age and no one would have the incentive to create any wealth, thus equally sharing poverty. If you are an environmentalist extremist, that would be the point.


        lol...classicliberal...that is somewhat of an oversimplification...i am in NO means a socialist...however...i DO think it obscene that athletes and movie actors are paid in the high extremes...therefore i chose to ignore most professional sports...that is my choice...i DO however...believe that if you are smarter...or you work harder...you should be rewarded absolutetly...for something that is PRODUCTIVE to society as a whole...MOST businesses exist to serve society in some way or form...otherwise they wouldnt exist...even the dreaded oil companies and financial institutions...they ALL have some redeeming quailities...if THEY perform they should be rewarded...although it may turn my stomach...lol...i am sorry..but you will NEVER convince me that a guy throwing a ball for mulitples of millions of dollars...serves society in any way shape or form...vs


          The name givin to our economic system is command and control.


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