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Viagra Increasing prices on Friday!

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    Viagra Increasing prices on Friday!

    Getting word Viagra and a few others think we have to buy product this week because Friday prices have to go up.
    Going to cancel rest of inputs ordered today if that's the case. Sending lists of products needed to independents and few others today on a bid system, Cash prices. best Price and delivery gets the deal. Other wise going south or off shore. You control your farm not the suppliers.

    I thought you were'nt going to seed??


      Snapper every thing is open for discussion. Companies are throwing out their plan. I will have three months to sit and do nothing and one to get serious after the 1st of January. They know that and they need sales on their books to show profit for shareholders. I can wait after the 1st but if they drop anhydrous in the next three days It will be bought. But at today's joke prices they can keep it.


        I bet they are just trying to not lose too much money on their speculative fertilizer position. I was thinking about buying a few Viagra shares but now, I'm thinking that they have probably lost 30 or $40 million in this fertilizer fiasco, so I am going to wait.


          Sask what do they want in your neck of the woods for ammonia w/o svc 780-880-920 around here.


            Believe it or not Viagra is getting back on a price today or tomorrow the guy said and Independents are also getting one out today. Boy last minuet hey.



              I have confirmed... and reconfirmed... AGRIUM owns the fert. not the retailer like Viterra.

              Independents and Co-ops (Fed.) are different and do own the Fert. stocks.


                i don't know how the markets can deal with all the uncertainty. first he's gonna seed; then he's not gonna seed; then he's gonna seed but with no fertilizer; then he's not gonna seed; now he's gonna seed with fertilizer. what a rollercoaster!


                  Jensend according to you we should all just sit their and let them charge us what ever they like bend over the table it feels so good . Come on boy get with it if you like to pay to much good for you but 90% of us out their are sick and tired of the crap these guys have put on us over the last few years. Price increases based on pure BS. you know I am right but just to scared to say it. These guys sold us a load of crap and we took it hook line and sinker and blew billions of dollars for what? Nothing that's it in a nut shell. Now guys like you are cutting down Me who is sick and tired of this BS.
                  What I will do is for them to guess and see and me to know.
                  WAKE UP. HA HA HA HA HA


                    and you think you were the first guy to figure it out???


                      NO jensend I am just getting to the boiling point that the BS has finally over flowed. They all deserve to have no sales plain and simple all the way up to the AGRIUMS.
                      We get bent over they make huge profits yet were needed to feed billions in the world their needed to steal billions. Great system isn't it.
                      But just once if we ever didn't grow a crop what would happen utter disaster.
                      Stronger than any group out their yet were conquered and divided so easily.
                      Baffle them with BS and win.


                        I do not mean to gang up on your SF3, but I have a question. You seem very angry that the price of fertilizer was high. I do not deny that as we were unable to lock our wheat and durum into the open market, pricing fert at high prices was an unhedged risk. But do you not see the fertilizer market as a global market?? The whole world was pricing fertilizer at these levels. You make it sound like some back room deal to screw farmers in Saskatchewan. It was the market price. End of story. It still is the market price. How do you make rational grain marketing decisions with this as your back drop. I can not understand it.


                          Well Dave the World Fert price is in a tail spin, and like grain I eat the loss but in the Fert industry the big guys screwed their dealers with the hopes these guys would screw you. But guess what its not happening like they planned oh my god did all the complaining help us out.
                          The world farmers are sick of the BS that these guys told us now as its imploding on WORLD WIDE SCENE we should be able to lock in a reasonable profit.
                          DO YOU NOT THINK SO?

                          Thats it in a nutshell they went out to lunch on prices with one thing in mind to screw farmers world wide and build on the hype that grain prices are going to the moon. Now their caught with their pants down.

                          Also with the Internet we can react to whats happening all over the world if it was 10 years ago you and me and all of world would just pay the going rate.

                          Like the CWB the hide behind a mask and baffle them with BS approach is not going to fly today.


                            But it was the global market price??

                            Did you sell Canola at $14 or $16/bu?

                            Yes or no?

                            Do you think your customers believe you were just trying to screw them?? Does Cargill think you are the enemy after you sold them product at that price? Does their oil buyer's beleive you screwed them last winter? I bet they have better things to do with their time.


                              Dave I got between your 16 and 14 on all canola in 08, It was good but now that prices are in the tank should inputs stay at historically high prices that is my question.
                              According to you they should stay their.
                              Aw isn't it nice to have no Idea whats going on out their.
                              Yes grain dropped but guess what fertilizer is tanking every day in every corner of the world yet you believe we should pay more.
                              HM Hm HM.
                              They baffle you with BS and like a sponge you absorb it.


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