Well as 2008 comes to a close tonight lets reminisce about it for a short while. We saw record high grain prices in late February thanks to speculators looking for a place to park money and a real threat that maybe the last minuet purchases of crops by countries wouldn't work any more. HA HA. It all started to unravel the day after the high and hasn't stopped since. Then the Summer came with Early season frosts, low moisture to excess moisture to finally a very decent crop (not all areas). The Fertilizer companies went nuts and asked the moon for their products only to see the bottom drop on that market as fast as grain prices dropped. They still are trying to hold farmers hostage but are having a interesting time with that one. Harvest seemed to drag on and on then a early October snow that most of us thought was a end to the season then nice last to weeks in October and all I know finished. Piles over most northern areas and grain bags are new norm. Then Nov and Dec came and Banks started to fail, credit dried up and ocean freight crashed along with oil, From 140 to less than 40 in a few months. In canada's west most had a very merry Christmas but our relatives outside are looking a little green lately, with some actually moving home! Its nice to see that CN and CP went over the revenue cap by some 30,000,000. Its nice to see politicians still sing from same song sheet, and do nothing. Its still nice to work the land and make a small income and have family and friends by your side.
Best in 2009 to one and all!
Best in 2009 to one and all!