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Fuel pricing?

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    Fuel pricing?

    We've all spent the last month debating fertilizer, what are the thoughts on purchasing fuel? And/or delivery of fuel now (winter) for spring/fall use? Any links to comparisons to summer/winter diesel? Any spike up in price for whatever reason could be offset by a small increase in consumption in spring.

    My PetroCan supplier says diesel fuel density and BTU per litre no longer change with the temperature. The additives to prevent jelling are increased. There should be no increase in consumption due to the fuel. Fuel economy is lower of course, due to drag and resistance in the cold. I am hoping that is correct. What are the opinions or facts? I am going to ask a trucker friend. They should know if they keep good records.



      It depends which refinery you get the diesel from.

      Synthetic Crude to Diesel (made from Heavy Oil Upgraders) is treated as you indicate... regular crude still has less BTU from our indications.

      Lowest price of the years right now from Federated... good till this Friday. UFA sucking wind... wholesale $07.5/l above Federated. Beats Spring Forward 100 ways!

      It pays to have your own refinery!




        Retailers in our area in southwest sask saying that competitive discounts on diesel not yet in play. keep your powder dry, better prices coming.


          I got scared last spring that the price was going to rally and filled with winter diesel about 1.5 months before seeding and did not notice any difference between power and fuel comsumption as compared to previous years.

          My supplier claims 5% max difference and I am not sure that I would be able to notice 5% difference, but I would be inclined to think that he is correct.

          I will certainly be seeding with winter diesel and/or buying more fuel tanks if this middle east thing escalates into major war.


            I agree poorboy, that is a match that could ingite fuel prices again.



              Crude is up 40% in 12 days.
              How are diesel prices coming down?



                We are just nicely got through the diesel shortage from last fall... I understand ESSO refinery is going back down in Edmonton... so I wouldn't hold my breath on prices dropping any more in Alberta.

                I believe this is why UFA is approx 15% $$$ high... the arbitrage cost for transportation to get the fuel up from the US/short supply premium.

                US diesel prices are all on the way up... DTN report said.


                  Local UFA says diesel to go up 6 cents this week. Here we go again........


                    Our dollar has shown a little strength of late, should have a negative effect on fuel price. Road Diesel is up 2 cents from Dec to 2.01 in Az.


                      UFA way out. They has a 6 cent increase this week already. Can buy fuel this week for 59 cents. 11 cents cheaper then UFA. 50 cents for gas Not sure if should take a bunch, price should rise next week.I have storage for most of my years needs. I guess it depends how bullish/bearish you are on oil.


                        Think it's only one 6 cent increase. Regardless, still costs more than the 59 cents at co op.



                          Price confirmed... purple east central AB... just about sold out for this week!


                            diesel fuel locally priced at .63/litre all taxes in except gst through fcl retailer. building stocks of crude and gasoline pressuring the market again. Talk of deepening recession curbing demand. Competitive discounts just starting to heat up among area retailers. buckle your seat belt.


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