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Saskfarmer ever think of retiring?

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    Saskfarmer ever think of retiring?

    Was just thinking about your notion of not growing a crop or summerfallowing a large percentage, why not figure in a large percentage or all summerfallow and my calculations just don't work for summerfallow, now we have good snow cover and like you said you generally get rain. You expanded your acreage to be efficient. You have a small family unit.
    You have taken back your canola seed could still again. Fert. not bought. Did you ever think of retiring? Just done some simple calcuations and retiring now could give myself and likely you if I have a good picture in my mind of you. Rent out the land, everything paid off if don't purchase inputs. Keep all the land, collect rent for the rest of life. Children best of education opportunity. More family time. Maybe work the odd job, no stress. Somebodies gotta be thinking of this!

    Lemme see....

    260 acres X $47.50 = $12,350
    Taxes = $1710
    Land payment = $2800

    Renting the farm and going to live with Hopper!!



      Yea its something I have been thinking about a lot lately. This game never changes, most farmers just squeak out an existence and then sell out and retire. Its fun to build up a farm, Yes hard work does pay off, and its also the best way to learn from ones mistakes and challenges, Hell we made some doozy's.
      Yes if we liquidated today their would be a nice retirement after paying all taxes etc. Yes I would spend more time doing what I love to do (fishing, Boating, and lying on a beach or traveling) Spend way more time with my wife and kids. And the Job I do on the side would give me something to do when I wanted something to do.
      But here is the problem for all the complaining I do, I still love the bloody challenge of it.
      Buying a new piece of land and getting out there and clearing it, the smell of bush after its cleared and the dirt when your getting rid of piles and few rocks, Seeding first crop end to end. watching the crop grow, Waiting for rains and finally harvesting it.
      The marketing side and business side of dealing with Brokers, elevators, margins, Dealers, Bankers etc. and winning some times.
      So I guess the answer is Ill be doing it again in 2009 just not sure yet what the plan is going to be. Heck maybe my one neighbor will show up and write me that check I joked about getting and the farm will have a new name, no one knows that answer or what the year will be, so lets all hang on its going to be one hell of a ride.
      Have a good one.


        That would be a good way of reducing the grain supply and supporting prices if farmers did that for a year or two, if they summerfallowed. What about just selling the farm and buying some vacation property in Mexico or the US during the cheap housing market.


          Classic lib your right about one thing with property in the tank in USA and Mexico, and Belize now is definitely the time to get that retirement home. Friends heading down next week to sign papers on house in Cancun. Another friends house will be completed this fall with them moving in next winter in Belize. Relatives said that Phoenix is reasonable for most people to buy.


            Sask. gotta agree with farming is in the blood, and things are more exciting today than the past 8 years. I am sure you could afford to live in Canada LOL. House in Cancun? Just found something extra to do while down there.


              Funny wife makes me leave the notebook at home and no Internet when were away. Its a long three weeks. Last year just about missed all grain market excitement.


                Thank guys, you gave me a good idea - the $80,000 or so I will save buy not seeding 460ac(chemfallow) this year just may find a "home" in a warm place, by a golf course for retirement! I think one can term it - "investing in yourself"?
                This may well be the best time to do it.
                Do we realy have to seed every acre for someone elses benifit? JMO.

                P.S., I was thinking of seeding these acres up until monday when the fert price jumped back up.


                  A cousin looking in Phoenix yesterday, said $200,000 for a 3 year old 2500 sq Ft home. Just google all you want. All sounds cheap. Hell of a winter retreat idea!


                    More money is made in Real Estate than most things. Buy low sell again high never get married to your property. If some one comes along and pays you a ridiculous price jump on it. Simply answering the question earlier, if Neighbor with business made a offer of 1000 an acre would be ready to retire.


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