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the broader markets & economy?

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    There is an idea, negative interest. Banks pay you to take their money but charge you to hold your money! Should stimulate the economy just fine. Way better than bailing out banks.


      She is on Starting Bell which starts at 7 am CST.


        Peter Schiff has a new interview on Youtube with Russian TV.


        Despite his accurate prediction of the current financial crisis, he says that absolutely no one from government has ever sought his advice on what to do about it. Instead, they are seeking advice from the very people who derided Schiff for his predictions.

        At this rate, the economic crisis is going to get much worse before it gets better.


          Love this guy also.




            and him


              anyone see BNN this morning(Mon.12th) Dave Meger, commodities trader for Alaron Trading was on saying "DEFLATION" will continue for all commodities(gold, oil, copper, etc....) throughout/ or till near the end of 2009. he says, "if you think commodities are low, they can still go lower" their office is predicting oil at $20.oo/bbl

              as i started this topic, have we chosen a path yet, Inflation or Deflation???

              sometimes the most money can be made by having everyone 'think' the market is going one way, meanwhile you 'know' it's going the other way, or you and others 'muscle' it the other way. even though inflation seems obvious and logical, it might not turn out to be what is going to happen.

              i'm still just surprised that there still is any talk of deflation ! ????


                The deflationary trend we are in is taking a lot longer to work out than almost anyone expected. Apparently a number of large hedge funds are still in the process of unwinding their commodity positions.

                I'm beginning to think that we may not see an upturn in commodity prices this spring at all. We're simply running out of time. Farmers are reaching the point where they will be forced to sell inventory in order to plant this year's crop. The only upside to this scenario is that input prices are falling, although they are still in general well above where they were a year ago.

                The turnaround point will be when you reach a state of maximum pessimism. My cousin is a perennial bull on commodities, for instance. When he becomes bearish, then I'll know we've hit a bottom.


                  All good points but we bulls have an ace of spades up our sleaves.

                  Gold will perform,and it sounds like sooner than later.

                  If you find out all factors including the good people of gata,you will see a our market in a different way.

                  Short,short term me may have some pain.


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