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What is your favorite beer?

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    I think Rahr does a lot of Big Rocks Malt so in a round about way you were right.


      Oh and I'll supply the super B's at saskfarmers in another couple of weeks if someone from out there will bring over a loader ( It's a long way to drag a loader to central Sask from here.)


        SF3, Dos Equis is not a bad beer, but if your going to the (old side) West coast, try Pacifico beer! i've been in some market places where the shop keepers will offer your a 'pony size' just to come in and look around their store. i've never been able to find Pacifico in the 'riviera' or cancun'.

        Does anyone have a recommendation for the Dominican Republic besides 'Presidente' ???


          Were going back to Akumal Beach (South Cancun) so cant try the recomended one.


            My favourite is Fort Garry Dark second in line is Big Rock's 'Magpie'.


              mcfarms, that is why I interpose the two all the time. lol.

              If I sold maltbarley to Rahr,though, I'd be buying them a beer, with a dinner, in fact. They would be my customer. I'd maybe buy some novelty beer for them to try, say a Japanese saki, or an exotic beer, but the mainstay would be a Big Rock to serve them.


                Have any women/wives/ tried the new light beer, or the flavored beer coming out almost daily? Pars


                  Bintang: The beer of Bali Indonesia.
                  Bintang is a pilsner (clear, bottom fermented lager
                  beer), which makes it ideal for those steamy Bali
                  afternoons. It is the best beer I ever tasted and the
                  best part is you can buy it for less than $1 bottle at a
                  lot of pubs in Bali.



                    I like A&W Root Beer Light (Diet) the best... the after taste is just fine... After a 6 pack... the officers I meet like it the best as well!


                    <( > :{


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