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tommorows news

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    tommorows news


    Market watchers-have any of you ever seen volume like that?

    why does this chart not mesh with the one you linked to cottonpicken? shouldn't the volume in your chart be reflected somehow in this chart??



      I have more questions than answers myself.Hopefully someone will correct me if i'm wrong on what is going on.I've only lately started investigating etfs.

      This particular one (BASED AROUND PLATINUM,WHICH CAUGHT MY EYE WHEN THE PRICE OF PLATINUM BECAME THE SAME AS GOLD,EVEN THOUGH PLATINUM IS TEN TIMES RARER)anyways.....as i understand it these guys basically go long in the futures and their price is based around the futures price thus you are automatically long,their "price" is only based basically on the price of platinum.

      But...4 days of ten times volume means,a BUNCH of shares are changing hands and new money is not entering the platnium market OR new money flowing so quickly into the fund that it still hasn't been placed into the platnium futures market.

      Thus not effecting futures price.

      If anybody has 2 cents to add please speak up.

      Now politics.

      The pgm group of metals(platnium and pallidium) are not readily found in north america.Basically two stocks do it all over here (swc-Stillwater mining(platnium) and pal-north american pallidium).

      Most of the rest of the worlds reserves reside in russia and south africa.

      Hence my interest.

      Rare earth elements(thats an actual term),although not followed by many,can be explosive in price,pull up a ten year rhodium price and you will see.

      Hence my interest.

      Some people may not also know some things are labeled "strategic".Which means you have to have them to go to war,which includes wheat,oil and cobalt,i dont know if the pgm's fit that catagorey or not.

      hence my interest.


        I think that your first answer is the way I believe it is happening. Contracts are changing hands but no money actually enters the futures.

        Good question and would be curious as to the answer also, because with that kind of volume futures should be rising. Kind of funny played Platinum last spring and asked my broker same question and believe thats how it worked. Never touched it since though,to thinly traded, and don't follow it enough, should be though starting to look pretty nice on the charts.


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