There is often confussion with Terminolgy especially at the elevator level. Many people talk about futures when refering to forward selling cash. If your selling futures your selling paper if your selling cash your selling physical..
Cash price would be what you are selling your physical for today.
Futures used for hedging purposes by traders ie. Cargill are rolled out of the nearby futures month usually by the third week of the month prior. For example many traders would have rolled there Jan Futures position to March before Christmas.
As a result the Open interest in Jan is almost non existant. The Only time someone would still be in Jan is if they wanted to take physical or Deliver, which is a whole other animal. Doesn't happen often with Canola.
So when refering to Cash easiest description is the Value for physical today. When referring to Feb, Mar and so on, the proper term is Deferred Delivery Price.
As a person who works with producers to help them understand this stuff, it drives me nuts when I talk to an elevator agent about forward selling and they refer to it as futures, it's not a wonder that guys trying to figuire this stuff out get confused. They use the futures prices to determine the Cash price or the Defered Price.
That's just my opinion though
I'm sure they think they are just as right as I am.
Cash price would be what you are selling your physical for today.
Futures used for hedging purposes by traders ie. Cargill are rolled out of the nearby futures month usually by the third week of the month prior. For example many traders would have rolled there Jan Futures position to March before Christmas.
As a result the Open interest in Jan is almost non existant. The Only time someone would still be in Jan is if they wanted to take physical or Deliver, which is a whole other animal. Doesn't happen often with Canola.
So when refering to Cash easiest description is the Value for physical today. When referring to Feb, Mar and so on, the proper term is Deferred Delivery Price.
As a person who works with producers to help them understand this stuff, it drives me nuts when I talk to an elevator agent about forward selling and they refer to it as futures, it's not a wonder that guys trying to figuire this stuff out get confused. They use the futures prices to determine the Cash price or the Defered Price.
That's just my opinion though