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1000 workers laid-off indefinitely......

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    1000 workers laid-off indefinitely......

    at Mosaic, in Saskatchewan.

    gonna reduce supply, i guess.


      Lets Create a Shortage. Oh just throw people out of work. That's a good one coming from the CEO who lives in USA. Yea this guy is a winner takes his 14 million a year salary and goes home. And those who say fertilizer isn't a game come on.


        Bins are full. China has said they won't pay the extortion fees for potash. Cash flow will be tremendous - right.

        I realize Mosaic(cargill) doesn't give a shit about farmers. BUT they will have to explain this nonsense to their shareholders. They have done the same thing with phos.

        Having a pie in the sky price but selling nothing is still nothing. Having a realistic price that moves product, creates cashflow, and keeps people working is what the economy needs right now. Mosaic has the opportunity to do just that and they choose this course.

        Really makes me wonder.


          what mosaic wants for potash today - at what price levels would grains be equally ridiculous and kill demand?


            Grain prices from the summer. I don't give a shit about the consumer, I took advantage of it.


              Yea and canola went up in the store shelves etc. Bread went up etc. Meat went up etc. Every thing went up, but guess what Our price dropped yet where in the food chain has the price dropped, yet Fuel, shipping etc all have dropped. Yet you believe the system works.


                Yes, I believe in the system as well as survival of the fittest, because we hedge our price risk so I don't have to deal with the downside risk. I suggest you do the same and stop trying to think everyone is screwing you. I hate that kind of attitude that many farmers have. There are so many steps involved from field to fork and if you think everyone is making too much money in the middle, I suggest you get into the business against them or at least invest in them.


                  Saskfarmer perhaps we should be lucky our produce has not fallen as much as gas. I am still filling my car with 1.10 gas, now it is in the low 50s for farm gas. Or lucky we are not in the shipping business at the moment. Bitch bitch bitch you shoulda been a dog.


                    Thanks for the advise Classic so let me get this strait its wrong to complain about the over price of a product that has dropped off the face of the earth in Value but according to you we should pay homage to the fertilizer god and keep paying for their mistakes.
                    What am I missing just keep paying for over priced product is the answer. Yet when one has a total annihilation of the crop these guys always get paid by most farmers, who just about go broke to cover the bill. Yet when their is clearly a gouging taking place you say one should just shut up and pay the piper. Boy oh boy. That's a good one HA HA HA.


                      Dude, the fertilizer price dropped by over 50%, just like grain. If it were not for competition and free trade, they would try to sell us fertilizer at the high prices but the demand isn't there at that price. If fertilizer costs more than the gains that it gives you, then you don't put it on, simple as that. This conversation isn't about fertilizer.


                        the fertilizer co's aren't doing anything different from past years - charging what they think the market will bear. every time there has been a grain price spike inputs have gone up quickly and fallen back slowly to maximum revenues under the new conditions. under today's market it's not gouging it's smart business. just like smart (somewhat lucky) marketers sold their grain in the top quarter or so of the price range last year. wasn't gouging was it - just what the market would bear?


                          The more competition that there is, the quicker the prices will align to where they should be. Unfortunately with the fertilizer manufacturers, there isn't much competition.


                            Our Local retailer is quoting $900 for Potash. We have been using potash in a fairly Substantial way for the last 11 years, but when I can buy 2 tonnes of Urea for every tonne of K. I have enough potash built up from our previous program that I would be crazy to use K I may as well bump up my Nitrogen.

                            This is going to turn out to be a public relations nightmare for Mosaic. If this isn't a classical example of greed that I am sure in the long run will be a major set back for the company.

                            Has anyone heard more aggressive Potash numbers? I think part of the problem is these retailers are full of expensive product.


                              the lack of competition is the biggest problem facing farmers today imho.

                              TIME Magazine
                              October 28, 1996 Volume 148, No. 20
                              Return to Contents page

                              THE FIX WAS IN AT ADM

                              ANDREAS FAMILY DYNASTY

                              JOHN GREENWALD

                              No one expects Archer-Daniels- Midland to change its advertising slogan from
                              "Supermarket to the World" to "Price Fixer to the World." But that sobriquet
                              would fit in the wake of the agribusiness giant's $100 million plea bargain
                              last week with the Justice Department.

                              After years of denying any wrongdoing, the company pleaded guilty to conspiring
                              to fix prices for the livestock feed-supplement lysine and for citric acid, an
                              additive found in products from cosmetics to soft drinks. The $100 million
                              fine, the largest ever levied in a criminal antitrust case, was more than six
                              times the amount of the previous record settlement. Further, ADM will pay an
                              additional $90 million to settle civil suits. "In essence, greed, simple greed,
                              replaced any sense of corporate decency or integrity" at ADM, said Joel Klein,
                              the acting Assistant Attorney General for antitrust.

                              The plea bargain turned ADM (1995 sales: $12.7 billion) into an informer for
                              the government. In exchange for immunity, company officials agreed to become
                              witnesses against other firms under investigation for conspiring with ADM to
                              rig prices in the $1.2 billion citric-acid market.

                              ADM employees may also be called on to testify against their own, notably
                              executive vice president Michael Andreas, 47, longtime heir apparent to his
                              father, ADM chairman and CEO Dwayne Andreas, 78. Prosecutors are continuing
                              their investigation of both the younger Andreas and Terrance Wilson, 58, who
                              heads the ADM corn-processing division. Neither was granted immunity--meaning
                              that both could face indictment. ADM said last week that Andreas was taking a
                              leave of absence and that Wilson had decided to retire.

                              Importantly, the Justice Department will not pursue a potentially larger case
                              against ADM for fixing prices in the market for high-fructose corn syrup, a
                              ubiquitous soft-drink sweetener. This $4 billion industry is nearly four times
                              the size of citric acid, and some consumer advocates have charged that shoppers
                              pay higher prices for soda because of ADM's practices.

                              The Justice Department's case hinged on a company executive turned FBI
                              informant, Mark Whitacre, who secretly taped meetings that allegedly included
                              the younger Andreas, Wilson and executives of rival companies. "The competitor
                              is our friend; the customer is our enemy" was a favorite saying around ADM,
                              according to Whitacre. Such talk ended when the feds raided ADM's Decatur,
                              Illinois, headquarters in June 1995. Although the company fired Whitacre and
                              charged him with embezzlement, which he denies, and although Whitacre later
                              attempted suicide, the case was strong enough to force ADM's directors to

                              The plea bargain was a public humiliation for Dwayne Andreas, a political
                              insider who has funneled millions in corporate contributions to Republican and
                              Democratic candidates. Andreas has particularly close ties to Bob Dole, who has
                              used ADM corporate planes for campaign trips and vacationed with Andreas in Bal
                              Harbour, Florida; Dole and his wife Elizabeth purchased an apartment there from
                              Andreas. Dole has championed myriad agricultural subsidies that have benefited
                              ADM. With Dole's support, Washington has paid out more than $6 billion in
                              subsidies since 1980 for ethanol, the corn-based fuel that ADM makes; it holds
                              a 65% share of the $1.5 billion ethanol market.

                              Andreas had to face down a shareholder revolt last week at the ADM annual
                              meeting in Decatur. Declaring that "as Harry Truman said, 'The buck stops with
                              me,'" the chairman apologized for the scandals. Nevertheless, the settlement
                              put paid to an era at ADM, which Andreas and his family have dominated for 30
                              years. It appears unlikely that Michael Andreas will ever succeed his father.
                              "Even if this is not the end of ADM," says a close business associate of
                              Dwayne's, "this could well be the end of the Andreas reign."

                              For the company, last week's penalty represented little more than peanuts--or
                              soybeans--and was a good deal, considering that ADM benefited financially in
                              the form of higher prices. The company has $1.3 billion on hand to pay
                              inconveniences like a $100 million fine. ADM's stock even rose $1.13 a share,
                              to $21.75, on news of the penalty--which Wall Street had expected to be much
                              higher--and finished the week at $21.50, raising the company's market value
                              some $500 million. By that accounting, it can't be said that crime doesn't pay,
                              only that it is a cost of doing business.

                              --Reported by Sally B. Donnelly/Washington and William A. McWhirter/Chicago


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