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fert price increase

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    fert price increase

    I was told today that on Monday 46-0-0 will be back up towards $600/tn. Again this could be b/s to try and drive current sales - time will tell.
    It is funny though how all the fert sales puppets, have been touting lateley about how how all their "best most progressive" farmers are the ones who bought their fert way back in july.
    I finnaly had to say something to a Cargil rep the other day,- "Are these realy your best cusomers, or the ones who fell hook, line and sinker for one of the greatest scams in ag history?" He just stared at me. Every logical thing in fert pricing has been pointing down from june on. It made no sense to buy at the highest price in history 10 months before you needed it and all indicators were pointing down except the "word" from the fert industry that is was going higher in the face of every other commodity collapse. I just like to smile when these experts claim this b/s to make the few fish in the frying pan feel better about being fried in midst of corperate record making profits - (mosaic) Then they lay off 1000 people, talk about ignorance.
    The fert industry is going to try and nail every producer possible come spring.JMO

    Mosaic shares went from 17 to 100 when they were selling potash at 300-400 per tonne. Now they load up their sheds and lay off 1000 people because they think they can gouge farmers.

    I have no problem with Mosaic making money but their thinking is out on this. Farmers know that 350 for potash and 550 for phos would be reasonable and put the workers back.


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