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Global Warming.... causes global warming?

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    Global Warming.... causes global warming?


    The ability of humans to deceive themselves... is only exceeded by humanities foolishness in believing 'we can get something for nothing'!

    What a bunch of 'hot air'... figuratively and literally!

    The more we 'try' to mitigate 'Global Warming'... the more we will heat up this planet!

    And since the SUN... has the biggest effect... hands down... how do we stop the sun spots and solar flares that well cause the biggest effect in increasing global tempatures in human history... scientists say in the next 5 yers!!! Just google it (sun spots and solar flares )... and read the expected forcasts of electromagnetic interference that disables microchips... and therefore would stop everything in the western world!!!!

    Here are a few examples...

    "The City of new York did a survey on the color of rooftops . They found that if every-one changed their roof color from black to white that would drop the temperature by three degrees. Now Germany has installed solar panels along the autobonn. Taking out trees and vegetation.

    How much do you think that has increased the temperature?

    Multiply this by the miles of solar panels in the southern US..."

    What about the millions of miles of roads... BLACK roads for the most part especially in cities?

    Here is a piece on solar panels:

    "And I know the entire solar industry is a big con – it is impossible to efficiently use solar power and it always will be, thanks to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Governments have tried to break the laws of physics because solar energy is popular, but all the subsidies in the world will never make solar energy viable as a reliable and efficient source of energy..."
    ..."Al Gore has claimed, repeatedly, that if we were to build a 90-mile by 90-mile solar-panel facility in the Southwest desert, we would have enough electricity to power the entire United States. The claim is fantastic. If only we cared enough about the environment to build enough solar panels, then the world would be saved and power would be free! Al Gore is a masterful politician, which is to say he is a complete liar.

    Meyer, who worked as an engineer for Exxon and an analyst with McKinsey, decided to run the actual numbers.

    I assumed a third of the 8,100 square miles would be dead space between the panels, roads, transformers, access paths, etc. I assumed you put the installation in the best solar sites in the southwest, which yield on average about 6 peak-sun-hour-equivalents a day. I assumed a 20% loss in conversions and transformers. So 8,100 sq miles x 2/3 x 200 watt/12sq ft x 6 hours x 365 days x 80% (with necessary unit conversions thrown in) yields 4.08 billion Megawatt-Hours of electricity, which is about exactly our current US generating capacity. (Way to go! Al got a number right!).

    But there's a significant catch. (Remember the Second Law of Thermodynamics...)

    This does not cover elimination of fossil fuels in the transportation sector. And it does not address the problem of how you store this power at night, which of course is a catastrophic problem for the idea... Using the assumptions above and assuming that installation costs (with land acquisition, transformers, inverters, roads, mounting, installation, etc) is as much again as the panel costs themselves, the total installation would cost just under $21 trillion dollars. This is orders of magnitude [more than 10 times] more than a nuclear program of the same size would cost. And presupposes the environmentalists would let you cover 5 million acres of desert with metal and silicon.

    Solar power isn't the answer to our country's energy needs – and it never will be..."

    What about the 'global warming' that this solar facility itself would create?

    Has anyone really thought through the airline industry... and the billions of extra heat units it provides the earth... by producing the earths best most effective insulating material in the atmosphere... H2O... a result of combustion of jetfuel at 40,000ft? Who would dare to suggest we stop air traffic?

    I don't know... but these are certainly the most interesting times in human history...!!!

    Con Artists have ruled planet Earth from the Garden of Eden!!!
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