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    jensend - if you are objective, please help me figure out those that, as you say, believe "western civilization will collapse" without the CWB.

    Why do they argue so ardently in support of the CWB when they have no objective evidence (prices, exports, business growth in related industries) to back up the claims of better "everything" with the CWB - premium prices, better than US farm prices, lower cost handling, better movement, lower freight rates, better rail service, growth in value added sector, increased offshore market shares, etc. (REAL objective evidence tells a completely different story.)

    BTW - I don't think the CWB is the devil incarnate. I just look at evidence and assess things on that basis - which apparently you do as well.


      sorry for the hyperbole. if you don't get it i'll try to be more literal. those who back the cwb take it as a security blanket, a habit and some see it for what it should be. it makes sense to some that there is strength in size and numbers when you're dealing with someone whose capital is so huge compared to your own. i object to it on the basis of property rights in what should be a market economy. there was a reason for it and perhaps that time is past but i don't see the board as the biggest problem facing producers.


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