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The dreams of a free market die not with a bang but with a sad pathetic whimper

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    The dreams of a free market die not with a bang but with a sad pathetic whimper

    Canada does not plan barley legislation: minister

    Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:19pm EST
    OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's Conservative government will not introduce legislation in the short term to seek an end to the Canadian Wheat Board's monopoly on barley marketing, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said on Monday.

    "We are holding back on legislation on barley," Ritz told reporters on a conference call.

    "I don't see that on my radar screen in the next short time," he said, adding that he would focus on expanding international trade opportunities for agricultural exporters.

    Ritz said the government remains committed to eventually reforming the farmer-controlled CWB, one of the world's largest wheat exporters.

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper, first elected in 2006, has wanted to give Prairie farmers the choice of selling to the CWB or dealing directly with buyers.

    Ottawa's first attempt to open up barley marketing was successfully challenged in court. It later introduced legislation on the issue, but never brought it before Parliament for a vote.

    Harper won a strengthened minority in an election last October and will lay out his policy agenda in a major speech on Monday, when Parliament resumes.

    (Reporting by Louise Egan; editing by Peter Galloway)


    CWB deregulation off government's radar, for now
    Phil Franz-Warkentin 1/19/2009 3:50:00 PM

    A renewed bid to legislate deregulation of Prairie grain marketing through the CWB is not on Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz's nea...

    Full caption and actual photo size
    (Resource News International) -- Changes to the Canadian Wheat Board are off the federal government's radar for the time being, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said Monday.

    Canada's minority Conservative government has promised in the past to end the CWB's current single-desk monopoly on barley and wheat marketing in Western Canada, and has considered introducing legislation in the House of Commons to do so, although all sitting opposition parties have pledged support for the single desk.

    The CWB also recently held elections for five of the 10 farmer-elected members of its board of directors. Four of the five farmer-directors who won campaigned on a policy of maintaining the single desk and thus keep the balance of opinion on the board in favour of maintaining the monopoly

    "At this point we're holding back on legislation," Ritz said during a teleconference Monday with reporters, when he was asked about the government's plans in relation to the CWB.

    While the Conservatives were still committed to making changes to the CWB, getting a bill passed was not "on my radar screen in the next short time," Ritz said.

    He would not specify how long it may be before a bill regarding the CWB is introduced, but noted that in the meantime his office would concentrate on trade issues and other fronts to help farmers in the country.

    Ritz made his comments during a teleconference dealing with his latest trade mission to India and Hong Kong. Ritz said trade missions to other key Canadian trading partners were also in the works.

    "We're still committed to doing that (making changes to the CWB), but it has to be in the best interest of producers," said Ritz.

    Its funny because I TOLD YOU SO.

    I also wont be holding my breath for,smaller government,gun registry,balanced budjets,not taxing income trusts,etc,etc.

    At least i didnt waste my time voting.


      BBBBB ut cottton,thhhhhey donnnht waaanntt to chhhhance a vvvvvote ooofff nonnnnn connnnnffffidence.

      What ever makes you sleep better.




          Not you Adam,i know they piss you off to.


            We can always count on you cotton to lower the bar and behave like the south end of a north bound moose.


              CWB supporters are a gang.


              They force 45 percent of farmers against their will.

              NDP Liberal Block are both a gang and bully.


              Our Prime Minister is mentally altered!


                Actually fran, a little taunting from CP isn't a terrible thing. The conservatives have blown this file so badly, I don't even know wher to start.

                But the thing that really should sink home to conservative voters is that we can now dispense with the false notion that the CPC is a party of free market principles.

                These so called politicians need to be drubbed out on their ears because the only thing worse than a socialist politician is a socialist politician who professes to be a free market capitalist.

                My disgust for Ritz,Harper,Flaherty etc. has grown exponentially since late Nov. The only difference between this government and the coalition is the names on the ministers doors. The policies and the direction will be in lock step with Liberal/NDP/Bloc policy.

                Porouging parliement just showed us that these guys have zero principles.

                ZERO, NADA, THE BIG GOOSE EGG.

                Power for powers sake,

                Maybe Iggy will be different, nah, I know better.

                What more can a person say other than, If the cons lose the next election it will because they shit (yeah I said is and I don't care) all over their base, not because the didn't go left enough.

                Oh well, by the time Obama and who ever the PM of Canada might be are done commiting our children and their children to a life time indebtedness it really won't matter. Might as well go stand in line with our hands out like everyone else.


                  Think of Homer Simpson when i say this fran.



                    Back to my duff.


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