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The dreams of a free market die not with a bang but with a sad pathetic whimper

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    The Tories have also swallowed the whole "stimulus" Kool-Aid notion, which means that not only will our children be saddled with massive debts, we will too. And we will shortly be hit hard with massive price inflation to boot.

    Coupled with their cave-in on the CWB, there's no longer any plausible reason for a conservative to vote for Harper's Tories. They're no different, either morally or in practical terms, than Iggy's Liberals.

    Unless Harper changes course dramatically, I'll be spoiling my next ballot.


      Cotton, just when I start to think your a jerk you make me laugh my ass off yet again. I am forced to agree with you. Especially about the duff.
      Screw the cwb


        Hey, it's not that I disagree.

        It's that I don't find very much funny about it. The world is not in a good place right now and all of the jokers in charge are set to make it worse.


          I've got 10 thousand dollars for the reserection of reform/alliance/preston manning type party.


            And i can raise 100 thousand by this time tommorrow.


              Adam Smith, I agree with you and know your frustration.

              "But the thing that really should sink home to conservative voters is that we can now dispense with the false notion that the CPC is a party of free market principles.

              These so called politicians need to be drubbed out on their ears because the only thing worse than a socialist politician is a socialist politician who professes to be a free market capitalist."

              Not just for the CWB, but the Gun Registry, Taxes, Crime, Smaller Gov't etc...
              Even though they chose to include plans to roll back the insane Liberal policy to pay political partys for the number of votes they get (without question the right thing to do), they would have been further ahead by removing the CWB monopoly, pleasing the west, while the east wouldn't have cared.


                You guys are nothing but a joke. If you want to sell off board then do it. Nothing is stopping you. Find the local pig barn or whatever. YOu allready have two choices.


                  yeah, our two choices are dump quality grain into the feed market or get
                  fu--ed over by YOUR wheat board.

                  SCREW THE CWB



                    The CWB 'single desk' is maintained by corruption... falsehoods... greed... intimidation... tradition... and theft of funds from those who truly want absolutely nothing to do with you.

                    Yet we are your slaves... the ideal that I should take my high grade milling wheat... and feed it to pigs... and this is the solution to marketing choice... is as offensive as stealing $150,000 from our families bank account.

                    I object...

                    The slavery of those who love freedom... truth... and honesty... behind your wall of deception and arrogance... intimidation and corruption...

                    Means is much more than about the selling of wheat or barley...At stake here...is the very integrity of our Canadian society and our willingness to protect what so many have fought and died for... FREEDOM for so many generations.

                    The coalition coup brought profound mistrust of the Canadian political system... but it is no more objectionable than the CWB 'single desk'!


                      You seem to be avoiding me. I asked you a question in another thread - since you're over here now, I'll ask again:

                      Can you explain why a dual market (voluntary CWB) would be "going the opposite direction for the well being of most wheat and barley producers"?

                      And I'm looking for concrete reasons - not just that you think so, or believe it to be so. Why do you believe it?

                      I sincerely want to know....


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