Every day the market competes for grain. Loyalty is two cents deep in any other commodity other than wheat and malt barley, where most farmers on any given day (year) cannot even tell you the price of either.
The final payments of last year
should have had even the board supporters enraged at the opportunity cost of the board. Our grain clearly was not orderly marketed through out the marketing calendar year or the average return would have been much higher.
We as farmers under the CWB (not even called the Western Wheat Board which it is) in the west are victims of inequitable treatment in ours otherwise democratic country, by parliamentary rule. Harper promised to remove this and then decided not to bother. Why because the CWB serves Canada and the industry well. This he learned. End of story.
Harper stood on the grounds of freedom for western farmers, and he has abandoned us.
Our patriotism and our party loyalty enables even our own to disregard the basic human rights they once stood for.
Policians do it all the time, they trade principle for power.
Therefore i note I am patriotic, but patiotism should not require me to be
a patriotic fool.
The final payments of last year
should have had even the board supporters enraged at the opportunity cost of the board. Our grain clearly was not orderly marketed through out the marketing calendar year or the average return would have been much higher.
We as farmers under the CWB (not even called the Western Wheat Board which it is) in the west are victims of inequitable treatment in ours otherwise democratic country, by parliamentary rule. Harper promised to remove this and then decided not to bother. Why because the CWB serves Canada and the industry well. This he learned. End of story.
Harper stood on the grounds of freedom for western farmers, and he has abandoned us.
Our patriotism and our party loyalty enables even our own to disregard the basic human rights they once stood for.
Policians do it all the time, they trade principle for power.
Therefore i note I am patriotic, but patiotism should not require me to be
a patriotic fool.