Tom, most of what you say I agree with, with respect to the coalition but Harper made a huge mistake piroguing parliament, For I believe there were have been enough abstentions or even floor crossing from the Liberals in order to pass the confidence vote. That would have killed the coalition right then. But even had it not passed we would have had an election sooner rather than later anyway and Harper would have won easily and wouldn't have had to abandon his principles.
Maybe I'm wrong and maybe there won't be 30 or 40 billion in "stimulus" in the up coming budget but I won't hold my breath. But we do know they have abandoned the policy of a free grain market.
So whatever the circumstance they have abandoned principle for power and that makes them no different from the Chretien or Martin Libs.
And with respect to Quebec of what value to Canada is it when the only thing they offer the ROC is the promise to hold a knife to our throats?
Maybe I'm wrong and maybe there won't be 30 or 40 billion in "stimulus" in the up coming budget but I won't hold my breath. But we do know they have abandoned the policy of a free grain market.
So whatever the circumstance they have abandoned principle for power and that makes them no different from the Chretien or Martin Libs.
And with respect to Quebec of what value to Canada is it when the only thing they offer the ROC is the promise to hold a knife to our throats?