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The dreams of a free market die not with a bang but with a sad pathetic whimper

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    Tom, most of what you say I agree with, with respect to the coalition but Harper made a huge mistake piroguing parliament, For I believe there were have been enough abstentions or even floor crossing from the Liberals in order to pass the confidence vote. That would have killed the coalition right then. But even had it not passed we would have had an election sooner rather than later anyway and Harper would have won easily and wouldn't have had to abandon his principles.

    Maybe I'm wrong and maybe there won't be 30 or 40 billion in "stimulus" in the up coming budget but I won't hold my breath. But we do know they have abandoned the policy of a free grain market.

    So whatever the circumstance they have abandoned principle for power and that makes them no different from the Chretien or Martin Libs.

    And with respect to Quebec of what value to Canada is it when the only thing they offer the ROC is the promise to hold a knife to our throats?


      I think the cwb is off the agenda for the simple fact that the government would have to absorb the billions in debt they currently hold with this file. The government knows they can't justify moving the debt to the taxpayer at this time.

      As far as the conservatives getting my vote again - well Mr. Anderson might have take some time out of his busy day to explain why the cwb is still being forced on farmers.



        I stand by my statement... the coalition still could (could have) go for years... we are not out of the woods yet by any means. An election after a Coup is not an assured result... cause these coalition politicians are not at all respectful of the consitution of Canada... or the Bloc would not be being offered the balance of power in the national parliament.

        THis is pure treason.

        The Liberano's and NDBloc are drooling all over your thread... Adam Smith!

        Discretion is the better part of Valour. PM Harper used Discretion... I would not count on the GG even forcing an election... if the Conservatives are defeated on the 27th Budget.

        Humble pie and patience... are partners that usually are learned/taken together!


          Does anybody actually believe Anderson will not get his seat? He has a guaranteed win next go.


            A quote from e-malt newsletter (look forward to getting every week).

            Quote of the week

            "We all need lots of powerful long range goals to help us past the short-term obstacles."
            Jim Rohn


              Ok Tom if you want to speak for the CPC party of Canada fine, but please don't become so arrogant as to suggest that someone is Un Canadian if they don't agree with the CPC party of Canada. That my friend is as bad as the Liberals arrogance. Replacing one arrogant party with another arrogant party serves no one.

              And please save your "for the good of the party" crap for someone who can't think for themselves. Here we are in 2009 and we're no further ahead than we were in 1995. That is a fact.

              The CPC party can't be relied upon to do anything with respect to the CWB anymore than Ralph Goodale could.

              And as far as the upcoming budget, it appears Harper has folded and is going to be giving us the coalitions budget anyway, blessed, endorsed and all nicely wrapped up in a CPC package.

              Of course the coalition is/was an imminent threat to Canada but it wasn't the personalities it was/is their policies and Harper seems to be adopting them with vigor. So to me the CPC has become just as much a threat to Canada as Jack and Gilles.

              Talk about getting sucked into the "don't worry, trust us" trap.

              I'm convinced now more than ever that the CPC's marketing choice policy has always been meant to be a throw away, to abandoned at the first sign of controversy. It never was a policy of principle but merely a policy to attract votes, and as the old WHO song goes I Won't Be Fooled Again.


                You caught me at a moment of weakness fran.It would just fall apart like it did.

                Wasnt harper a big wig in reform party?

                Tom,what exactly would the cons have to do to you to change your mind?

                Blind loyalty is an act of insanity.


                  cotton good one - blind loalty 'the likes of cwb supporters?'
                  Could not resist.



                    The answer to your question is simple...

                    If the COnservatives gave power to the coalition... THEN I would agree with you and Adam Smith.

                    CONSERVATIVES Being in power...(being the government) is 1000X better than the coalition... and NDBloc tearing this country apart.

                    THis is not the time in history... to have NDBloc wing nuts governing this country... even if we must give them stimulus gifts to prevent the defeat of the Conservatives.

                    We need another 3 months... to assure an election... rather than a coup and coalition NDBloc treason arrangement... that could remain in power for many years.


                      but Tom...worst case scenario...and the coalition gets in...the fact that they would govern for an extended period of time...would that not then be a reflection of what the "people" want??? you can bet..that if they screwed things up long enough...even the apathetic average Canadian voter...might rail...

                      also...calling dissentive people "treasonous"...borders on blind fanaticism...and THAT my friend...is where the meek can be led FAR astray...i kind of consider myself a philosophical empiracist...a bit of a dichotemy yes...but...EVERY atrocity in the history of the third rock from the sun was committed by a fanatic...either religious or imperialist...be careful...vs


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