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The great CDN duck rip off at the CWB

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    The great CDN duck rip off at the CWB

    Dear Charlie,

    Select winter wheat has always been a problem... with shipping dates... trying to get cars... proteins;

    So this year... we have great protein (#1 13px)... nice quality... but virtually no elevator offers "select"CWRW... cause it is another bin tied up with near imposible shipping logistics... where standard CWRW is workable.

    So what happens on the Jan PRO?

    Get a load of this: "Wheat PROs are largely unchanged, except for a drop in some minor classes to reflect lower-priced competition for those products."

    JUST guess which is the only wheat class to drop $5/t... CWRW.

    @ $248/t... #1CWRW is 'given' a wopping $1.50/t for any px above 11.5% px payments while there is a $14/t discount for #2CWRW @ $234/t... 1CPSR is $258/t... and Select that hardly anyone is allowed to access... is $268/t for 11px... with a spread premium of only $6/t for CWRW... from 11-13px... where CWRS is $10/t for the same 2% of extra px.

    So I get a great deal when I sell my high quality #1CWRW 13px... instead of $278/t... I am 'allowed' a discount of $14.50/t off my FPC price... on top of the Oct 31 $33.46/t basis discount...

    So today the CWB has decided to 'Market discriminate' and give what others have admitted is some of the best bread wheat on the planet (much better than US Hard Red Winter)... for $5.12/bu US west coast in Canada... where PNW growers get a wopping $7.21/bu US west coast position.

    So I am only short... $2/bu US or $almost $2.50/bu CDN... when the CWB is only paying me a total of $4.76/bu... total in the first place.

    So the CWB 'single desk' rips me off... about 50% of the value of my #1CWRW Select 13px winter wheat.... quality that can't be beat on the global market.

    CAn ANy one guess why I am frustrated?

    What a revealing service the Western Seducer does to wheat growers... Mind Bending II... after the CWB SPECIAL DESIGN Mind Bender #1!

    BUT... I get to feel extra special... cause I conserve the land (growing Winter Wheat)... help the ducks raise their young...... and most of all...


    ~^~_ Grrravol for my gut ~^^~~____

    Dear Incognito... Chaff et el;

    Did you hear about the CWB officers in the 'designated area' checking bins to save the 'single desk' and make sure we are all equal?


    A little story about this...

    There were some CWB grain police investigators out checking Farmer's grain bins... to make sure no wheat/durum 'designated area' growers made too much money... and actually sold more grain inventory than 60%/80% of the durum/wheat crop they grew in 2008... and thereby 'spoil' the CWB 'single desk'.

    The farmer said... you have got to be kidding... The highest costs ever... on this crop... fuel, fertiliser, machinery... labour... everything we buy costs so much now...

    and you are going to waste my time & check my bins and then possibly fine me for paying my loans and clearing up my bills???

    The CWB grain patrol officer said he must do his duty to protect the 'single desk'... that he was just a simple 'single desk' director doing his duty...

    The grain farmer mumbled something about Montana/N.D. and growers selling all the wheat or durum they needed to for $2/bu more than the CWB was offering... THE CWB DIRECTOR GLARED BACK...

    But this grain grower was a good mannered/hearted 'designated area' Canadian ... so helped the CWB grain patrol director by holding the ladder as he inspected the his bins and so he didn't slip and break his neck. Samples had to be drawn... measurements made... all the farmers many bins checked...

    Often as the CWB grain patrol director opened the top lids on the bin to look in and check it... bugs would fly out and circle around his head.

    As the CWB director was checking the last of the bins... after a very long and frustrating day...some bugs flew out & around... and the director heard the 'designated area' grain grower mumble...

    "Strange... those bugs usually fly around the butt end of my horse!

    The CWB director got all angry and flustered and said "are you calling me a Horses Ass?"

    The "designated area' grain grower looked the CWB director straight in the eye and said; "No... but you sure can't fool those circle bugs!"


      Tom anyone who beleives you do anything for anyone but Tom ( including ducks )is wackier than you are.


        select cwrw pro went down 2 cents a bushel


          Stubblejumper... Select went up... not down... that was the point... in case you missed it!

          How anyone figures out CWRW pricing... it is as wacky as the CWB gets.

          And guess what Stubble... the most popular variety has been in the PNW... & that easily gets the extra $2.50/bu...? FALCON... The CWB does not even allow it to make Select in Canada.

          Guess what makes the nicest buns and specialty bread we mill & bake in our family... STUBBLE...? You guessed it Falcon.

          OK... when I refuse to broadcast spray insecticide on army worms... wheat midge... flea beetles...
          When 35% of our wheat is winter wheat... how exactly do these management practices line our families pockets... Stubble?

          Wise managers... make sure you DON'T know who and how we support our local community...

          God Bless you Stubble... you are a real inspiration...


            I would live to have a cwb jacka$$ come out to the farm, it would be the longest day in his/her life!


              And I cannot understand why would anyone hold the ladder much less tell them where the bins are.


                Tom, I have no idea why your are ripped off about 2 bucks loss, seems cheap to me given the average price we received last year.

                Almost a gift!



                  I agree the amount in total is less... considering we had a good market for 100,000bu of spring wheat at $22/bu but at least on the cost and profit side we had more affordable losses in marketing CWB style.

                  When the cash price is in the first place... break even at best... the $2-2.50/bu missing is very close to 100% of the total possible profit for growing winter wheat.

                  And since the Yields are only 10-15% better than CWRS... on an average year... with higher risk on the grade/px than CWRS... there is a real downgrade in CWB efficiencies marketing winter wheat... compared to CWRS.
                  Hence the 'Duck' rip off reference... CWRW should be marketed on par price wise with CWRS... NOT AT A $2/bu discount. Our environmental goods and services included in Winter Wheat are given away by the CWB.

                  Quack Quack the CWB AGAIN has failed to understand the very reason they spend so much of my money convincing me I am to appreciate their marketing prowess... THE CWB MISSED THE BOAT... AND WE ARE IN THE WATER WITH THE DUCKS... WHILE THEY OPERATE AT COST PLUS WITH BOGUS BONUS PAYMENTS... INSTEAD OF DOING THEIR JOBS.



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