It is about time for our manufacturers to start giving us realistic prices. According to fertilizer buddy over 50 percent of all fertilizer is not purchased. I don't give a shit someone has got to come with a plan to demonstrate. N has got to come down.
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Nitrogen. Perhaps time for action.
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Tom you are wrong From the Dealer network I have pops with every once and a while the answer is NO.
But here is a good one Belle Plaine has only shipped 800Tons of Fert in month of January. Talked to a guy yesterday that I new from High school. He said its weird. I told him if they would let me come with my trucks I would take all that he can supply he said cant sell direct to farmers. (I knew that). But when my dealer at home tries for 1000 ton purchase and has no one willing to sell him product I think its time for a federal Investigation. Something is dead wrong with whats happening.
Here is what is known.
1. Full sheds at Yara in Belle Plaine Sask.
2. Slow to no Sales in month of January.
3. When its bellow 500 Farmers purchasing start increasing and the closer to 400 the sales takeoff.
4. Dealers having hard time purchasing product from their suppliers.
5. Fake Shortage is going to happen.
6. No real Confirmed anhydrous price till end of January every other year Last weeks of December.
7. Price dropping where product is going down in USA. US price where product is available for sale way cheaper. (yes short ton vs tonne)
8. World price has stabilized not Dropped more but not risen any more.
9.Yara cuts off posting of its prices wounder why. Information can ruin a fake shortage any day of the week.
10. Maybe just maybe its time to put our differences aside and nail these ASS HOLES>
SF3, either you or your "buddy" is so full of shit it stinks!!
Remember I told you I buy my fertilizer with another neighbor??? Well I actually didn't buy this year with him. He wanted dry I wanted ammonia. Anyway he bought with a 5000 acre farm instead. But I helped haul all of Jan with them. We pulled 700 ton ourselves out of Belle Plain in Jan.
So your full of shit once again.
One more thing. When we were hauling there were 1 to 2 hour line ups all week. They load a super b in 7-10 minutes 24 hrs/day, thats 200 trucks/day at 42ton/ truck.
800 ton in month of Jan...... Whatever!!
Again snapper why do you love the Fert Giants so much. Who is your contact at Yara Come on every one knows where I stand I dont believe one bit of the info these boys dish out, But you seem to believe every thing they tell you. WHY WHY WHY?
Every one knows what I am after Cheaper prices for a product that has gotten out of control. But you want it all to keep going up and up and up.
HM you sure your not with Yara or who ever.
Nope not with any fertilizer organization.
Just sick of reading your bullshit posts all the time!!! Yara only sold 800ton for month of Jan?? Do you read your posts before you hit enter, because even the dumbest of dumbest would know that's bullshit!! Even if your so call "friend" told you so who works there.(and sweeping floors wouldn't classify as being in the know)what kind of retard would post his words??? Anyone with 1/2 a brain would know this is false.
FYI, when did I ever say I wanted Fertilizer to go up??
You shouldn't care anyways what the price is doing, you bought all yours at $400/ton remember. I don't give a shit what it does I bought all my ammonia, and I'm sure as hell not worried about 2010 fert costs now. So being your still concerned about Nitrogen prices only comfirms that your $400/ton was bullshit or you would've shut by now!!!
SF3, can't you just admit sometimes your information may be incorrect? You might be wrong sometimes or just spout off a little too much sometime. It's alright to admit this instead of attack right away. I rarely if ever agree with snappy. Just his word against yours. Do you have proof SF3 or are you like the CWB and we should just blindly believe what you say?
SNAPPER why so angry maybe you need real help.
Some one phone their and see what their sales have been like for the month of January and also Check. Maybe I am wrong but he manages the shipping end and said it was way down compared to last year. Now if its 800 or 8000 does it really matter if its way down.
Also snapper I have most of my fert like you but dont you plan years out or do you just fly by the seat of your pants.
If it drops and I can get more Ill fill bins for 2010 now. Think Snapper instead of just flying off the handle.
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