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    Taken from Agriweek newsletter today:
    THE WHEAT BOARD will now charge a fee on wheat and durum deliveries deferred into the next crop-year pool. It said such switching creates uncertainty about pool size and affects returns of both old and new-crop pools. The fee will reflect the pool return outlook spread and market conditions. Farmers who plan to carry '08-09 deliveries into the '09-10 crop year must advise the Board between Feb. 26 and Jun 30. The policy is clearly designed to discourage crop-year switching and the new fee is expected to be high enough to eliminate any advantage indicated by old and new-crop pool return prices.


    Well Jagfarms, there goes one of the arguments that you use to prop up the CWB.

    I was just thinking the exact same thing.


      I was just thinking the exact same thing.


        Sorry, I guess I was thinking it more than once.


          There goes one of the reasons I hated CWB pooling.



            Those folks must have a death wish.

            First a grower can't deliver over the year end with FPC's... then DPC's are ended... Flexpro is a total joke...

            Now the effective risk management of switching grain at the end of the year... after storing it for 8 months... sometimes 10...

            DO these Winterpeg frozen minds...

            THey want to wipe the CWB out... to prove it cannot function in a market choice system...

            AND President Ian White stands behind... or is behind... this foolhardy good will disaster?

            Ian calls this integrity... and the highest level of respect and ethical treatment for 'designated area' commercial growers?

            If they had one IOTA of decency... Implementation would have been Aug 1/10.

            Greenland... you can have some more of the management at the CWB... I would pity the seals and gulls that would have to put up with you...


              Tom allowing farmers to price into the next crop year when they signed up for a current crop pool year is totally irresponsible grain marketing. By charging a fee or not allowing it altogether is a step to allowing the CWB to work in a non monopoly atmosphere.


                If the grain was free, it would be your decision.


                  If the cwb had a 100% call and delivery on the grain they steal - I might be able to understand this policy.

                  When I am forced into taking another crop year by a 60% acceptance on durum - Can I charge the cwb with the same costs and storage and lack of cash flow on the 40% still left in my bins as well as the chance the price might go down.

                  In an open market you can change contracts but you must pay a fee however you know what the price is and you know you will deliver. Not so with the cwb.



                    Changing a contract... in the middle of the crop year... is a disrespectful of property rights... as is possible.

                    It is confiscation... without compensation.

                    For you to defend the CWB... leaves me speechless.


                      bucket in a free market you get to decide if you want to sell all at a price or keep some for next years market. That is why they call it a free market.

                      Gotta love the CWB for providing equal opportunity.

                      Storeage, well you see, only elevators get to charge the CWB (aka YOU) storeage.


                        Tom I see you point. I have not marketed anything through the board this year. So I was not aware that they changed it in the middle of the year after farmers had already signed contracts. But I stand my ground that changing pooling years is CWB bullshit along with changing rules in the middle of the year.



                          I myself have not used this provision for years... but we do have some pool stocks that may be available.

                          One of the principals that is objectionable is this... for FPC pricing... when we were allowed to flip crop years.... it actually gave us the opportunity to 'cash price' stocks we had in inventory... over a period when we could often 'maximise' our returns.

                          Kind of strange... the CWB now clearly treats 'our' farms wheat & barley... as if it were theirs. This clearly goes against the bylaws and code of conduct that the CWB itself put in place:

                          "Code of Ethics
                          I. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE
                          A. The purpose of this document is to establish standards of conduct expected and required of all Directors of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB). The objective is to enable the CWB to effectively achieve its mission by maintaining a reputation for the highest standard of public trust and confidence in serving western Canadian wheat and barley farmers and other producers as appropriate, its customers' and the public's interests"

                          Code of Ethics
                          I. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE
                          A. The purpose of this document is to establish standards of conduct expected and required of all Directors of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB). The objective is to enable the CWB to effectively achieve its mission by maintaining a reputation for the highest standard of public trust and confidence in serving western Canadian wheat and barley farmers and other producers as appropriate, its customers' and the public's interests...
                          C. The mission of the CWB is to maximize returns to Western Canadian wheat and barley farmers....

                          III. DUTIES
                          Duties for corporate directors emanate from common law obligations and the provisions of the statute or instrument under which the company is incorporated. "


                          I simply present the fact that CWB management clearly has failed to understand why the CWB exists.

                          I asked my District 1 Director about this problem... and the answer was more in line with why my better half demands the CWB be dismantled... this is just one decision of many that have been taken... that are not respectful of our property rights.[my liberal paraphrase]

                          "The CWB 'single desk' is supposed to serve 'designated area' grain growers... not 'designated area' grain growers be servants of the 'single desk'." [Tom Jackson]

                          This very principal allowed the CWB to create an after season FPC system... that respected my property rights in the early 2000's... to switch classes if in the same category... and even class switches should be allowed if futures spreads are respected...

                          Management at the CWB has totally lost it... they should have their butts dropped off in Greenland... to practice 'respectful' for a few years... on the seals and gulls... instead of the farm families in the 'designated area'.

                          Sorry I forgot... we are not actually people... the code obviously applies to everyone except 'designated area' commercial grain growers.

                          ~~~^^^~~~ I know... if I wasn't an idiot... I would hit 'reset' and dump this entry. Sorry DEAR.

                          I am truly a fool. [break into song...]'Wasted days and wasted nights'


                            Dear President Ian White;

                            I understand I may not be the only 'frustrated' person on the planet... and that you yourself may be frustrated.


                            My frustration is magnified by the fact that you have no ethical professional integrity... otherwise you would have resigned before you allowed this pool policy to be created and applied.

                            These are the very issues why CWB Commissioner Ken Beswick resigned... and why I was allowed to end my hunger strike in 1996... and the COde was not even written word at that time.

                            I cannot see how...

                            Selling you Birthright...,

                            CWB President White...,

                            For a bowl of 'single desk' stew...

                            Could be...

                            'ethical professional integrity'.


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