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    Did you see what they did through all the smoke and mirrors?

    Nobody seen it?

    It was 50 billion dollars?


      Yes, I downloaded the whole fetid mess and will read it all over tomorrow. Nothing in it for me as far as I can tell. I havent paid income tax for over 20 years so any reductions won't do much.


        Willy you don't deserve anything!


          Hopperbin: That was not nice and certainly undeserved. Geez.


            It is all clear now willie, that is, why you love the CWB so much - you do not like to pay taxes. lol


              In october the government put 25 billion of bad debt from the banks onto the the books of the taxpayers.

              Now in yesterdays speech he put another 50 billion onto our backs!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Thank you very much.

              And seeing as how are yearly budjets were around thirty billion,these numbers are staggering.

              No wonder it doesnt get much press.

              Why worry about terrorists when you got horse theives running the show.


                Amen to the horsethieves. Harper doesn't even need a mask to rob us blind. The audacity of it is appalling.


                  Every leader eyed up your money, your children's money, and their children's money, and couldn't wait to promise it where he could buy the most votes.

                  Representation by an emasculated quartet singing off the same page.



                    Nothing in it for you eh wil???

                    You finally admit that you are a "farmer for just me"!!


                      Perhaps there are lots of Canadians like Willy that we should start taxing for existing. You know when a father goes to court to pay child support that father even if shows no income can still be ordered to get a job and pay 300 per month. Same should go for you, you freeloader.


                        Every year means remitting money, here.

                        What happens when these folks are the vocal, militant majority?:

                        "I spy with my little eye, a pile of somebody else's money I can spend because I have none"

                        Right. We have a thieving budget, cott.



                          We are officially stupider than americanos.

                          At least people were freaked out over freddie and fannie,Here its "whats a cmhc".


                            So much for the theory that our banks don't get into trouble because they are "better regulated".

                            $75 billion worth of bad debt says otherwise.


                              I am starting to believe that Jim Rodgers was right about letting these failing entities go bankrupt. He has stated many times that bailouts of all types are a complete waste and will further drive the economy into oblivivion. "Let them go bankrupt and then the companies can be properly be restructered and started again by those who will properly mange them." The jobs will be back after the smoke is cleared and the robbers of the system are shaken out. All this bailout money should have gone to the people who loose their jobs and the exec's can be left to wither in the financial mess that they created.


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