At the risk of giving pearls to the...
Forced CWB Confiscation of our grain... to have CWB globally capture ill-gotten gain...
Sadly the CWB Fails to explain... the fact that the thefts of our grain, remain.
That my farm cannot obstain... leads me to complain... that the purpose for the CWB pools are all in vain; causing me to write this refrain...
Who do we blame?
I think we are going insane!
At the risk of giving pearls to the...
Forced CWB Confiscation of our grain... to have CWB globally capture ill-gotten gain...
Sadly the CWB Fails to explain... the fact that the thefts of our grain, remain.
That my farm cannot obstain... leads me to complain... that the purpose for the CWB pools are all in vain; causing me to write this refrain...
Who do we blame?
I think we are going insane!