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    Ok i need a little clarification.

    Your viki and you work for western grain and western grain is in charge of this 70 million over payment?

    And then you say you have been up front from the start about applying for the money for your own bio fuel thingermabobwatchamacallit?

    You come out of no where to this site and start a campaign to use our money for your interests?

    Is anyone else following this shit?

    I need a goddamn explanation.

    I could generate a 10% dividend yield on my worst investment,which would be 10 times more than any crack pot bio-fuel-i dont get math idea.

    On Farmgate today they talked about screwpresses that out of a ton of canola you can get 200 liters of canola oil and if heated to the proper temp. it will work in your diesel engine. The economics don't look good. Sure you also have meal to sell but how much expenses also?


      Western grain is NOT affilited with the WGRF western Grain Research Foundation


      vs www.westerngrain.com
      note the s at the end

      I find it confusing as well


        Cottonpicken, control yourself.


          Alough me to retort.

          Haveapulse came out of no where.
          70 million up for grabs.
          When asked "maybe you have a home for it" answer "ive been up front all along".

          Fran and i have a faboulous idea about building a competitive space statition,others like the fert industry and some want to build a bio fuels thingermagig.

          So how many pennies of your guys money can i have to get my projects off the ground.

          How many conservatives are closet socialists?


            Actually Fran and Cottonpicken's idea of building a competitive space station isn't such a bad idea, only it needs to be situated on the moon's surface with mining capabilities. All of the space launch based nations of the world intend to be on the moon by 2025, and its not for tourism. Check out helium three, and compare that to any biofuel initative haveapulse thinks our transport funds should be put towards.


              Western Canadian Farmers' Pension Fund

              How does that roll off your belly at the bar? Pars


                Dear Cottonpicken;
                I am sorry to confuse you, CT.
                my company name first and then my politics.

                You see, living beside Alberta we have watched Alberta grow with policies targeted at directing capital growth.
                Alberta in the last 30 years has built a stronger economy than mine in socialist Saskatchewan. Why?

                From what I see largely because Conservatism in Alberta meant fiscal policy targeted at growing capital!

                The idea of an AGri invest fund is all about growing our capital; farmer redirected capital and yes as a collective. Collective is a word the idealistic Conservative would hate, and at times justly so, but let us at least discrimate the process. Amazingly enough despite an example of a collective that works amazingly well is Federated Co-operatives. And, Calgary Coop is the hearbeat of FCL. As I understand the strongest econmic district of Federated Co-ops, prospers right in the Conservative core of Alberta? Why, because they make money for their sharedholders and return dividends... Go figure!

                I believe that the political responsibility of a Conervative budget should be about directing capital and growing capital. Social policy of the future in an every increasing protectionist world will be
                all about jobs, and job creation.
                Because wealth is going to be more difficult to generate going forward.
                Jobs create oportunity and opportunity means economy and economy means in the end we can afford to support those who cannot fend for themselves. And jobs, in todays corporate world are difficult to grow without some type of incentives. And if this makes me a socialist then set up my cross and nail me to it... I am happy to hang there with no regrets.

                Incentive aka subidy is another choking word for the purist Conservative.

                Using incentives to build capital, one could argue that Albertas economic policies have embraced the socialist side of capitalism for years, using tax payers dollars and governmnet direciton to support policy and investment in capital projects.

                Purists are the ones that kill ideas, they fail to realize that you need both wings to fly, left and right.

                Farmers giving up some of their money to invest in projects that they would
                own shares is kind of like our forefathers getting together to build Churchs, yes they would be a community projects of sorts, and yes communities could apply where ever they are, and yes they would have to be viable as well.

                It is confusing I am sure to think that 69 million could be used to generate wealth. The money CT was not for my interests, however as a shareholder I may benefit equally with the rest of the shareholders. The idea was intended to build wealth for the future, at very little real loss to the farmers of today since really the money was already gone from their current accounts.

                At any rate, I thought it was a good idea, obviously this group believes it is a sinister one, and since negatives generally rule the day and attack more vociferously than supporters (just ask the NDP) I do hope that the same vigor that was applied by those of you who objected to the Agribuild fund using THEIR money build project for the future attacted the govenrment their local MP and the WGRF to get this money back.

                For the record, as a farmer, a farm acitivist for years, who operaties a value add business and has an export window on the world, I do walk the walk, not just talk the talk.


                  BYW cottonpicken the skirt of your hidden identity is worn quite well.


                    Still on the topic of the I'll gotten rr gains after much thought I have decided to take it myself , that way it will stop any concern others may have on how or where it should be distributed. Don't thank me it is the least I can do to put this serious issue concerning you all so much to rest.

                    If you don't like that then lets have a lottery 69 draws for a million and your name goes in the draw barrel once for every 10 tonnes you delivered in the year in question.


                      You think i'm a chick?

                      I dont have a right to question?

                      How ludicris is all this?

                      Your a frickin lobbyist for our funds.

                      You werent even here before.And you were not upfront at the start.

                      And your idea is unprofitable.


                        Oy vie! Someone who claims to be against principles on principle and believes that people who simply want to keep the money they worked so hard to earn, really want to nail her to a cross.

                        When you dis purists you are dising them because they believe in absolutes, they believe in right or wrong. It's funny how people who want to do something wrong, like take other peoples money without their permission, want to make these concepts, these principles disappear. It's kind of like garlic and vampires.

                        Unfortunately for them absolutes exist. Reality is an absolute, existence is an absolute, a speck of dust is an absolute and so is a human life. Whether you live or die is an absolute. Whether you have a piece of bread or not, is an absolute. Whether you eat your bread or see it vanish into a moochers stomach, is an absolute.

                        There's an awful lot of 'purity' in the real world and it really is amazing how well it works and how practical it is...and how many people have just decided not to notice.


                          You are either dead or alive.
                          You are either pregnant or you are not.
                          You are either blue eyed or you are not.

                          Some things are plain black and white.

                          No matter how many times and ways of tongue wrangling, of wanting to cloud the issue of force, what is, IS.

                          You either believe in using force on farmers to make themm go along with what you want, OR you believe in giving farmers a choice to participate.

                          Take a look at yourself.Or these:

                          * Sask Pulse Monopoly Directors.
                          * CWB Monopoly Directors.
                          * halfapulse, do I add you?
                          * Any single desk farm association like the NFU

                          You are who you are. You will be WHAT you want to be. WHO you want to be. You have chosen.

                          Live with your choice, but also feel free to brag about how you can force others to participate. Flex your emotional muscles; it derives it's satisfactions from forcing other farmers to fund your notions. Form a Gang One and extort more that the original intent. Have an additional Gang Two to silently and cleanly steal the UNEARNED for a rainy day project, yet unthought about. Be proud of your desire to use force, after all why would you not be, since you chose it?

                          Only force yeilds the unearned. So enjoy what you grasp, what you are.

                          Or change. Pars


                            This week's e-malt newsletter quote of the week.

                            "Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit"
                            Conrad Hilton


                              Get a grip folks. And maybe a little perspective too. Is everything a conspiracy?

                              And since when is SK Pulse a monopoly? You may not agree with all of the stuff they've done but they're still a pretty good example of a farmer led market promotion group.


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