Hi Everyone,
We seem to have got back to supply and demand and our differing views on how it affects markets
Tom you seem to think low prices reduce production
I question this as that Brazillian report and my personnal experiance proove otherwise. When prices are low we try to produce more to maintain our standard of living.
Tom you think low prices increace comsumtion
I question this as I dont believe they ever get right back to the end user.
The middle men just say " Thank-you very much suckers"
Tom you are right about the way we should treat customers though. They are king, but what they want, what I want when I am a customer, is a guanteed supply at a fair and stable price as near fixed as possible. You aren't happy with OPEC are you. Why would our customers be any different?
The present system is giving to much swing for whatever reason.
Chas. I am glad that at least you want to change things, unfortuneatly I dont think your idea is workable in practice.
The way to remove the speculator is to remove the volatility. Let him gamble with someone elses livelyhoods solicitors or realtors perhaps. Hows that for fantacy!!!
The only thing which really affects the market as you rightly say Tom is weather.
Now I feel guilty if I wish for plague or locusts on the prairies as I've got to quite like you guys.
Those Brazillian guys seemed decent too.
So my idea won't work because we can't trust one another. Not even to set a bottomline price?
A price so low none of us would be happy there.
Somewhere just above SUCKER!!!!
Regards Ian
Hey Lee
I might enjoy that! but Tom get my vote for master marketer!!
We seem to have got back to supply and demand and our differing views on how it affects markets
Tom you seem to think low prices reduce production
I question this as that Brazillian report and my personnal experiance proove otherwise. When prices are low we try to produce more to maintain our standard of living.
Tom you think low prices increace comsumtion
I question this as I dont believe they ever get right back to the end user.
The middle men just say " Thank-you very much suckers"
Tom you are right about the way we should treat customers though. They are king, but what they want, what I want when I am a customer, is a guanteed supply at a fair and stable price as near fixed as possible. You aren't happy with OPEC are you. Why would our customers be any different?
The present system is giving to much swing for whatever reason.
Chas. I am glad that at least you want to change things, unfortuneatly I dont think your idea is workable in practice.
The way to remove the speculator is to remove the volatility. Let him gamble with someone elses livelyhoods solicitors or realtors perhaps. Hows that for fantacy!!!
The only thing which really affects the market as you rightly say Tom is weather.
Now I feel guilty if I wish for plague or locusts on the prairies as I've got to quite like you guys.
Those Brazillian guys seemed decent too.
So my idea won't work because we can't trust one another. Not even to set a bottomline price?
A price so low none of us would be happy there.
Somewhere just above SUCKER!!!!
Regards Ian
Hey Lee
I might enjoy that! but Tom get my vote for master marketer!!