You have missed the issue.
You and 'single desk' supporters are the bullies.
I do NOT tell you who you can or can not do business with.
I do not bully you and tell you what crop to grow.
I do not force you to buy Fords, Groceries from Superstore, machinery from Balrus, fertilizer from Agrium, weed control from Dow, or hardware/building supplies from Nelson Lumber.
I do not understand why... when you are NOT involved in any logical way in my families farm... why we must pay back hundreds of millions of dollars of speculative losses... that we absolutely wanted nothing to do with the CWB or its' marketing 'services'... but are only forced to pay you and yours... because you say we must... to make you rich and feel powerful.
Isn't that being a bully?
You have missed the issue.
You and 'single desk' supporters are the bullies.
I do NOT tell you who you can or can not do business with.
I do not bully you and tell you what crop to grow.
I do not force you to buy Fords, Groceries from Superstore, machinery from Balrus, fertilizer from Agrium, weed control from Dow, or hardware/building supplies from Nelson Lumber.
I do not understand why... when you are NOT involved in any logical way in my families farm... why we must pay back hundreds of millions of dollars of speculative losses... that we absolutely wanted nothing to do with the CWB or its' marketing 'services'... but are only forced to pay you and yours... because you say we must... to make you rich and feel powerful.
Isn't that being a bully?