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What is the real cost?

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    What is the real cost?

    So we finally know what the CWB lost on future trading. I agree the number is staggering. Yet thanks to this fiasco in Minneapolis we also, as farmers, did not get the returns we should have on our wheat in price for the past year. This current year we are lower in price due to higher basis to cover the losses. Unfortunately we will still be stuck by higher basis levels next year. So we have lost three plus years. Anyone want to take a guess of the true cost if you include these numbers.

    There is no explanation for this blunder. Just like the the auto executives, bankers, etc who have taken huge bailout money - the personal in charge at the CWB - just does not get it. We as farmers are paying for this mistake ourselves again. Not even the government is stupid enough to give them bail out money on this loss.

    My questions:

    How can a top rated accounting firm sign off on a report with so much left information lacking. Remember the Enron scandal.

    How can Mr. White and the board of directors sign off on a report like this. They tell us farmers are in control. Yet we have no access to information!

    Why do we as farmers sit idly by and just vent like I am now.

    The Australian monopoly went down for less money if you include the next couple of years. Does our government have the back bone to do anything about this. Of course not.

    The CWB has had almost a year to get their spin doctors ready for this report. Is there no credibility in this organization?

    Wheat farmers in western Canada have become the laughing stock in our nation and around the world.


    At least you said something!

    1.If everyone sent Minister Ritz, Iggy, Layton, & Duceppe a letter... by registered mail... it would get their attention!

    Try it and see!

    2. We must do exactly as the folks perturbed about the coalition... get as many folks to sign up and present it to their MP in parliament... as possible.

    Clearly the CWB with 'Discretionary losses ... of $226 million... will stagger any normal person's mind... and cause outrage. It deserves a parliamentary review... and they must NEVER be in the position to abuse 'designated area' growers again. The CWB has a monopoly put in place by the people of Canada... The people of Canada... must know what the CWB has done to cause the breakdown of our food supply system!


      A class action against the accountant.





        This IS all about the coalition!

        It is the same coalition... that forced an $80 billion deficit on all of us... threatened to tear our country apart... and

        It is these same exact actors that protect the CWB... using exactly the same tactic!


          It would have been interesting to know if the accountants looked at the loss in the trades as normal hedging practices or was this an unusual series of transactions. In most cases when a loss like this occurs - an investigation takes place. I know am dreaming and this will not happen. We have examples in Europe a few years ago of banks who had traders that loss huge amounts. It was dealt with in an open and transparent method. Is that asking to much.

          I plan on contacting my MP and other politicians. This cannot go unchallenged.


            What about an open letter/petition to Ritz on Parsley's Notebook asking for a Parliamentary Investigation, and then we send it in?

            Sign our names? I'd post the names etc as they came in.
            Or would farmers be too scared to sign their names? Pars



              Plus, Silver, call a meeting in Alta to withdraw from the DA. Put together a plan. Invite Ritz. And Anderson.


                Pars - if we are not willing to let our names stand then we have no credibility.

                Look what Weber's page on fertilizer prices did.The hits he had - individuals checking prices - was impressive.

                I would encourage you to start it and I would be one of the first to sign. We need numbers and a broad base. We need to get the word out. How do we direct the traffic to this location?


                  1. First, we need a letter. I like to know what I'm signing, and I just presume other farmers are no different.



                  3. Timeframe:

                  I am making an Italian dinner for 4:00 this afternoon, and I'll soon be into the wine. lol And have company coming.Fresh herbs. It smells so good I am drooling.

                  After the usual conference call tommorow morning, I'll be able to work on it.

                  Could someone make a few notes to include what should be in the letter to Ritz, and email them to:


                  4. Chance of co-ordination, silver, with an Alberta event?

                  What about intergov Mins,/prov ag mins too?



                    Maybe any letters/meetings should include Liberals(ralph goodale) to answer the questions. Maybe the answer is to have the opposition/coalition on our side to get anything done on CWB removal. We need to send a message to Iggy!
                    Will be watching for when and where to sign up Parsley-thanks.


                      MAybe Jack layton too. If he figures ha can catch the spot light on this, maybe we could use him also to our advantage also.



                        sounds logical!


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