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Add your name to request a Forensic Audit on the CWB

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    Add your name to request a Forensic Audit on the CWB

    I posted a letter to Minister Ritz on


    asking him to bring about a forensic audit on the CWB .

    BUT Independent of the CWB

    It is important that farmers feel secure about the actions the Board has taken in the past while and this will help to highlight any areas of concern, and bring them out from under the covers, and examine them, naked, in their intended and unintended result.

    This will be a thumbnail snapshot, that can be enlarged at any time.

    If you want the Minister to undertake an examination of the Wheat Board's recent hedging activities, and you want to find out find out the reason for the Board whisking $25 Million out of the pooling accounts, and you want to finds out why the contingency fund is painted in red, add you name and addresss.

    You have nothing to lose except your money.


    I also sent a copy of the page to every MP.

    If you want to post a note when you click on comments to add your name, do so, perhaps 10/300 or so MP's will take the time to read about ag issues.

    Ask your MP the reason why the CWB transferred $25M out of the pooling account. Swish.

    'Tis your money, fellow farmers. It prudent to know if somebody's been,
    'looking after it.'



      Is it really a good idea to allow a handful of CWB dire-ectors to have discretionary say over 226 Million without a DA country checkup?

      It's a lot of cash in the hands of the men I getta thinkin' about. Whoa. One independendent report can't hurt, can it now?

      I wouldn't mind if someone recommended Morris Dorosh read it before it's over, either. He is not exactly the dullest boy on the block, is he now? Nope.



        Nor did I speak to Ritz' office before the post was published. Or since.

        I did send his office an email of the page, though.



          Delmar Reilkoff



            Few will dispute the need to stop this group of CWB managers.

            How we get growers motivated... will be the difference between getting traction and going nowhere.

            We can not afford to fail this time. The CWB MUST be stopped... and managers replaced.



              Thanks, Delamr.

              If you want to email me your address, including town and postal code, to:


              I will post your name and address for you on


              I'll place it in the section where we are asking Minister Ritz to undertake a forensic review, so it will be included when the request is sent in.




                Please add this to the list;

                Dear Minister Ritz,

                The CWB 2007-08 Annual Report and Financial Statements highlight the lack of transparent disclosure of CWB financial activities. Further... the CWB has admitted to speculative practices that obviously have cost us hundreds' of millions of dollars over the past couple of years.

                The disintegration of risk management at the CWB, the cost of CWB services, and the impact on the whole grain industry in western Canada... reduces our asset values and breaks down our family farms, communities, and the stability of our nation as a reliable provider of produce.

                For the CWB to be largely responsible for running up the milling wheat futures (to $25/bu)in the US in February of 2008... while preventing 'designated area' growers with un-contracted inventories access to these same markets... is abusive and distorting global trade and production of wheat.

                Meanwhile commercial grain growers must pay off the CWB speculative mismanagement of our grain... into the future... when we did not have the right to refuse the CWB's 'single desk' depreciation of our farm's assets.

                Please require the CWB be subject to a total transparent accounting of the Contingency Fund. For years the CWB handled this fund without problem or exposure of our farm's future... to expenses that reduce our ability to be competitive in the global marketplace. Further we were instead penalised and refused the opportunity to sell un-contracted wheat at $22/bu... while the CWB provided cash trading and export licenses to single desk supporters... at $846/t for wheat backed by the 'single desk' without pre-contracting months or years in advance.

                The biased and clear favoritism policies of the CWB border on criminal; and a reasonable person would very likely conclude were at the least a breach of reasonable conflict of interest and ethical standards.

                Please stop the abuse of our grain farms.

                Tom Jackson
                Box 116
                Killam AB
                T0B 2L0


                  There is no such thing as hedging losses under the way the CWB does business unless they bought strong basis and sold it at a weak basis for a loss of $25 million.


                    I have the e-mail addresses of the other turkey's in parliament for you to send letters to.

                    Ralph Goodale goodale.r@parl.gc.ca
                    Jack Layton layton.j@parl.gc.ca
                    Gilles Duceppe duceppe.g@parl.gc.ca
                    Wayne Easter easter.w@parl.gc.ca
                    Pat Martin martin.pat@parl.gc.ca
                    Alex Atamanenko atamanenko.a@parl.gc.ca
                    Andre Bellacance bellavance.a@parl.gc.ca

                    I suggest that you inundate these guys with your anti-board thoughts and opinions in the hopes of changing their socialist ways. It will be a difficult thing with the NDP however.


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