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THE CWB Deception (PDS)

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    THE CWB Deception (PDS)


    Did you read this?

    "Producer direct sale (PDS)

    Farmers have the ability to sell directly to buyers through the
    PDS program, in order to take advantage of niche- and premium-market
    opportunities. This program ensures that all western Canadian farmers
    retain the benefits of single-desk selling and earn their share of the
    single-desk premiums, while retaining additional marketing opportunities. .”[CWB Annual Report 2007-08 Page 37]

    I suppose for CWB Organic Director Flaman... He could say this for his own farm.

    As for my Family and I... last February when we were asked for over $450/t... to do a PDS...

    A reasonable person would really question how the CWB can justify making these claims stated in the 2007-08 Annual Report. This is 'Ethical' and stands the highest tests of Professional Integrity and Morals... and respects Common Law principals???

    I object. Stating a falsehood... does not make it true!

    CWB Act Part IV
    "46(d) to prescribe the terms and conditions on which licences described in
    paragraph (c) may be granted, including a requirement for the recovery from the
    applicant by the Corporation or any other person specified by the regulation, of
    a sum that, in the opinion of the Corporation, represents the pecuniary benefit
    enuring to the applicant pursuant to the granting of a licence, arising solely
    by reason of the prohibition of exports of wheat and wheat products without a
    licence and then existing differences between prices of wheat and wheat products
    inside and outside Canada;"

    This is what was used on me and my family.

    This CWB Act is 100% designed to STOP all export licenses... whenever the CWB feels like it.

    Except if you are a organic grower... etc. etc. and or are 'willing' to 'negotiate' a lower cost better fee.


      Organic Fixed Spread Contract (OFSC)
      The OFSC allows farmers to obtain an export licence or sell domestically by making an up-front payment to the CWB. The payment is based on type of grain and market destination. It represents the benefits that organic farmers receive from the CWB, such as branding, product and variety development, and advocacy on issues such as transportation, trade and biotechnology.

      The OFSC is easy to use.

      The farmer phones the CWB (204-983-5760) with shipment information and proof of organic certification.
      The CWB informs the farmer of the applicable rate and invoices the farmer.
      The farmer pays immediately by wire transfer, VISA, or certified cheque.
      Once payment is received, the CWB issues the farmer or exporter an export licence.
      2008-09 OFSC rates (per tonne)




      Select barley


      The 2008-09 rates take effect October 1, 2008.
      Rates are published for all markets in which there were organic sales in 2007-08. For other rate inquiries call the CWB at 1-800-275-4292.


        Tom, the Wheat Board are not telling the truth.

        The truth is they DENY you the license. Unless you pay.Or jump through a hoop. The pay varies, depending upon who you are. Where you live! Yi-Yi-Yi.

        The CWB do not do this to Quebec. Or Ontario.

        Rattling around here at 1:30 in the morning makes me wonder why more DA farmers haven't noticed. Or is wringing hands the rural DA's winter pastime? Pars


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