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Read this you Pro-socialist CWB commies

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    The status quo socialists are much better at ignoring direct questions than answering them.


      Lots of nice smokescreen questions to avoid dealing with the substance. Of course, the Aussie situation hasn't been going on long enough to completely analyze the picture. But let's see, is increased competition normally good or bad for prices? The CWB says it is good for everyone (rail companies, line companies, etc) except themselves.

      Oh and by the way, there are no Cdn wheat futures. Why would there be when no one can actually market milling wheat in western Cda?

      There are several studies (Informa and CD Howe) that compare farmgate prices and export basis levels in the US and Canada. Try reading one of those. Subsidies have been a non-issue for the last several years in the US and are a complete non-issue in Australia for at least a decade.

      Now how about putting up some answers as opposed to just questions.


        Oh and by the way, we don't have cash prices in Cda either. That would imply we have a functioning market.



          I was amiss in ONLY quoting readily available Aussie stats. At the fingertips, daily. No secretive sects hoarding single desk numbers in Aussieland, anymore, so I just got carried away. What was I thinkin'?

          Wait. I have inspiration.

          We can get current CANADIAN numbers from the Wheat Board. They will be wheat/barley open and transparent, right?

          Now, I'm just heading out in a damn snowstorm here, so I'll have to leave it to an AV'er to dingylingy the Board. Hope AVer's don't get snowed.

          The Wheat Board probably has each Conception to Cremation attendee equipped with a computer filled with minute to minute fresh statisitcs.

          Could we email the alumni for Fresh daily statistics-meat as an alternate, if the toll free number is packed with calls? Are you an alumni, dml? You could post right online on AV.

          dml, I'm glad you stayed focused. The entire grain trade will look forward to Wheat Board numbers.

          Yours as always, Pars


            Zaph, I'm confused, we don't have cash daily prices? HUH?

            Oh, right, I forgot we have a monopoly. I forgot the CWB don't publish prices in Canada. Farmers depend on foreign exchanges to find out what is happening in Canada becasue the CWB's AE's won't share theor CWB info with farmers.

            Hey, look on the bright side, like dml probably does,....... we have daily cash withdrawals from the contingency fund, so the CWB aren't total losers, right?




              Maybe the CWB should publish the contracts it has with its customers and then we can compare it. The CWB basis levels get weak when the prices went up last year, obviously to help the pool prices that no one was contributing to anymore. Thank god we have freedom of speech because this is the only reason the CWB has contracts that try to mimic the free market so they won't lose their jobs, otherwise the CWB stasi or gestapo would put bullets in the heads of all dissenters. Last year, I priced CWB wheat at -2.5/bu US under the nearby Minneapolis futures and a ND elevator was bidding 4/bu US over the futures price. This elevator was only 50 miles away.



                Are you serious?!

                First: Comparing grain markets to fertilizer markets – now there’s apples and oranges.

                Second: Do you really think Australia is seeing increased shipping and demand because of the huge drop in ocean freight rates? Ocean rates are <b>down</b> because demand for commodities is also <b>down</b>. To use your logic, Australia wouldn’t be alone in seeing increased shipping and demand – so would Canada, the US, Argentina, and the EU. And so on, and so on. D’accord?

                Third: Lousy assumption – accredited exporters do not have to actually export to keep their accreditation.


                Fourth: Source wheat in the futures?! Will they disappear if they do not export?! Will farmers lose money?! Who are you?! The frikkin’ boogie man? Just admit you don’t understand international grain trading and put us all out of your misery.

                Fifth: I was only being facetious before. But you really don’t understand this stuff do you? If you don’t understand how competition works, how do you expect to understand what happens when you don’t have competition? You know - like with the CWB?

                Sixth: You think Woodley is “misleading” when he says “the sum total of export proposals well exceeds the amount of grain available for export” and that it “indicates that the demand for grain exceeds supply”?

                Think. You have 22 exporters all saying they can export a million tonnes – do you really think that means there’s 22 million tonnes of demand? Or would you think it’s possible that all these exporters are looking to sell to the same buyers? Woodley was misquoted, misspoke or misunderstood. What’s your excuse?

                And there’s more:

                “Canadian futures market”?
                “Canadian cash markets”?
                “Our average basis level”?

                dml: you’re not from around here, are you?


                  Prices? Did I hear somebody wondering about price differences between the board and the open market?

                  You're in luck, because fixed price contract season is upon us and we can make direct apples to apples (would you prefer g****s?)comparisons again.

                  Exhibit A

                  CWRS 13.5 fixed price contract back to Manitoba (7.25-1.51)

                  $5.74 CAD per bushel

                  Exhibit B

                  http://bottineaufarmers.com/index.cfm?show=11&mid=6&theLocation=1&cmid=1&layou t=1

                  Contract price for August delivery in Bottineau NB adjusted to Canadian $$ (1.25 x 5.28)

                  $6.60 CAD per bushel

                  Difference in favour of the open market,cha ching...

                  .86 per bushel

                  Bottom line: Grass is green, the sky is blue, and open market farmers make more money than closed market farmers.

                  (But it's really all about the ideology, go freedom, GO!


                    The Boards got $90 million of trading losses in the PPO's to make this year, so don't think it's going to be getting any better folks.

                    Remember, it's your patriotic duty to throw money in the CWB money hole. My father worked TWO JOBS just so that he'd have money to throw in the money hole!



                      how did you add that video, I would like to add a picture?


                        We should maybe refrain from posting stuff that takes to much time to down load for the sake of all the dial up people.

                        Joe-dale needs to get off his but and upgrade this site,it must be all the flashy advertizing that keeps this the slowest site on the net.


                          Frans, that was a great tie in - good find!


                            I am neither a pro-socialist, nor a commie, but I am a CWB'er, and hence can spot a redneck, backwards, hillwilly, from kilometers away. I want nothing to do with lacky, kissups whose friends include multination grain companies nor railway pals, or PROGRESSSSIVVVE Conservatives. Thank you lots for pointing out our differences. I'm sure that now, name calling and insults will beging to fly, cause thats what yous people are all about!


                              You are in favour, and an advocate, of taking someones property, something that doesn't belong to you, without permission. Someone then point's out what your ideology is by name and what the consequences of this ideology are. And you get all huffy and offended.

                              Well boo, hoo burbert you are really hard done by aren't you. Walking like a duck, talking like a duck, hanging around with ducks and then someone has the nerve to actually think of you as a duck. That must really suck.


                                I bet it drives you QUACKERS!!

                                (I'm guessing it's a short drive.)

                                &lt;a href=&quot;http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fwww.smileycentral.com%252F%253F partner%253DZSzeb008%255FZZzer000%2526i%253D4%252F 4%255F11%255F10%2526feat%253Dprof/page.html&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;


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