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Question for you CWB Supporters

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    Question for you CWB Supporters

    There is something that I have often wondered about the CWB argument that unless the CWB has total 100% control over the export markets as well as domestic human consumption that it cannot compete and get the supposed collectivized premiums for the serf wheat growers that must sell to it. My question is, since we can sell our feed wheat and feed barley into the domestic markets to whomever wants to buy it for feed and ethanol purposes, how is that different than the same proportion of wheat going privately to whomever it wants?
    In 2004, a lot of wheat was frozen and poor quality and had to go to the feed market, under that same logic would mean that the CWB was ineffective at doing what they alledgedly say they do. Actually, there probably isn't a year where there is no wheat and barley that goes to the feed market. How do you explain this logic?

    you are right but lets take this a lttle furthur.

    On durum if the cwb only accepts 60% - then effectively 2 million tonnes is not in the world market - its in farmers bins for free storage. If their strategy works(if they have one) the durum price should be going up not down. Compare to the fertlizers co's sheds that are full - is the price going up or down?

    If fert. co's can raise their price in the current environment, then the cwb should be recruiting some salesmen and firing the ones they have.


      A friend of mine trades wholesale fertilizer and he says that there is a fairly strong correlation to the corn and wheat prices as to fertilizer prices. The fertilizer company's production cycle is also a lot shorter than a farmers.


        Your kidding me classic.


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