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End Of New World Kings

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    End Of New World Kings

    Perhaps we should all take a step back and look at the big picture. Will the pending collapse of the world economy mean a shuffling of the deck and a revaluation of everyone's worth to society. Do the ceo's of large corporations continue to draw multi million dollar salaries? Is the gravy train over? We will all need too take a hard look in the mirror to see if we deserve what we are being paid. We have lived in decades of excess compared to most of the world's population, can this continue or is the present turmoil our day of reckoning? This not necessarily a bad thing but the speed at which it is happening could cause social unrest in most of the developed world , since it has more to lose. How do you think this will affect Western Canada and specifically Agriculture. Good fortune to all.


    Please prove to us that you know where to find the annual report of the cwb and type in a reply of the top salaries at the cwb.

    Then tell us how these salaries are justified after the past years performance.

    We are still waiting for the day to see "Fortune".


      You might notice that I include everyone including ourselves, in looking into the mirror.


        agstar i see this as going one of two ways. if we go into a depression and it's severe enough to break the multinationals control over whole sectors of the economy (banking, insurance, livestock) then we could see shuffling of value to make things more rational. if we go into a deep recession and it enables companies like aig, cargill to survive on our money agriculture (producers, anyway) will be worse off because it will just give these corps more control over economies. i think the factor that a lot of people fail to consider when offering up simplistic solutions is the social unrest that could result from hard times. we're already seeing some dissatisfaction in some parts of the world and it could get worse.


          "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

          Thomas Jefferson


            So who are we , tyrants or patriots? How much blood are you willing to spill?


              Judge where you fit, Agstar.


                The answer is , everyone's blood is the same . We are all in for rough times . The decision to not plant a crop is looking better and better.


                  The cwb is bleeding me dry already.

                  I feel most (farmers) will come out of this ok, b/c the majority have tightened our belts before and by no way are living beyond our means. The droughts,hail and frost from 2000 - 2004 caused much more hardships for us than anything coming down the pipe - I hope. Those who splurged over the past 18 months with high cash rents and new machinery will be in for a rougher ride.
                  Yes things look bleak for those in manufacturing ect, but people still need to eat basic staples. Food security will be the bigest issue again within 12 months, IMO, keeping crop prices from tumbling too far. Short term things do not look good, but we have all had opertunity to lock in profitable prices on some crops for 09.
                  As for the auto sector, U.S. banks and financial sectors they need to go broke to restructure - this has happened in the private sector and farming forever - the strong/lucky will survive and continue when things turn around.


                    Look up downtown detroit,thats the future.


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