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Burbert is number one

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    Burbert is number one

    hehe been thinking of this for a bit.
    If everyone on agriville went by different names who could you actually pick out for Identity?

    I pick
    1 Burburt Duh
    2 & 3 Charliep and Parsley No contest
    4 cotton Language & Gold
    5 Tom4 Cwb etc.
    6 & 7 Saskfarmer3 Fert, etc. & Mallee
    for good aussie accent.

    Just for fun.

    At least Burbert stands up to the trolls who inhabit this site.

    By his posts I would say that he has been in this farming racket for quite a few years and sees things as they really are and does not regard the grain buyers, fertilizer suppliers and rail transport companies as "our friends".

    Also he is not a bully.


      Willagro buddy the duh just meant that I can identify Burburt first before anyone else. I don't mean to belittle him for that sorry if it come out wrong.


        Burbert I actually like you, wish you could attent the local coffee shop along with everyone else.


          Im honoured hopperbin to be included.
          Hey wilagro learn to laugh sometimes alot of comments on this site are just light hearted ribbing, geez he wasnt having a go at burby
          end of rant.....



            Thanks for including me!

            Hopefully... I can add the ideas of growers, who believe a simple choice of 'service providers' would create a better stronger grower marketer system.

            I can't see how the 'single desk' with security guards... provides for innovation... value... or a lasting long term business!


              Hey hopper I just think we farmers are getting the shaft on fert when the RBC is in bed big time with fert companies then tell me to buy expensive fertilizer HM.
              Have a great day, Loading barley for malt next couple of days. Burpfart we love you! HA


                Hopperbin: It is nice to lighten up a bit...gosh knows farmers need some laughs once in a while.



                  'Also he is not a bully'

                  I call you and Burbert on that statement.

                  Please explain why you can be theives... stealing money from my families grain bins... without our permission... yet you are NOT BULLIES?

                  Excuse ME... YOU ARE.


                    t4cwb Man you are, one strange dude, at the best of times. I've heard you speak and write in tongues for a long time now. Knowledgeable, whollyer than thou, conservatife, loved by all, who deal wit you. Always swimming upstream, the wrong way, and delightfully happy about it, surrounded by your fellas, espousing and shouting out strange stuff about farm policy. Methinks its time for yous to take and exotic holiday, to a strange destination, like say Dog River, and meet wit Saskboy, hopperhasbinn, silvertoy,paisley, frisky,sassylib,pudruker and few other select deserters to disc the CWB inta the ground once and ferall......


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