Recent comments from both CEO Ian White and Chairman Larry Hill would lead us to ask the question of just who is trying to mislead who?
"It is not true that a $130-million loss exists that has been repaid directly from farmers' pockets." Reality. The loss exists and it will come out of farmer's pockets at some time. This will be higher basis to rebuild contingency and likely repay money taken from pool accounts.
" A total of $38.7 million in other CWB revenue was transferred into the contingency fund, including $25.5 million on non-sales revenue from the CWB pool accounts that would not otherwise have been transferred." This statement implies that non sales revenue is really not producer money and cares not to share with producers a definition. This brings up a scary point that has been evident for some time. The CWB seems to be able to claim ownership of certain revenues within the board as if it were their own and not that of producers. We contribute dollars through unrealistic basis levels on PPO's yet that seems to be just classed as general revenue with free disgression on it's use. Maybe the government should be hiring CWB staff to convince the general public that the current deficits we are incurring really don't have to be paid back. Time to ask some serious questions at the farm forums.What impact will the current losses have on future basis levels in the PPO's? Will the non sales revenue taken from the pool accounts be repaid from the contingency fund? Does this shift of money from pool accounts impact the current returns to this years pool accounts? Will the surplus from the contingency fund a number of years ago that was dumped into the pool accounts be taken into consideration? If the losses in the contingency fund are not coming from farmers pockets could someone explain where it is coming from ? Feel free to add your own.
"It is not true that a $130-million loss exists that has been repaid directly from farmers' pockets." Reality. The loss exists and it will come out of farmer's pockets at some time. This will be higher basis to rebuild contingency and likely repay money taken from pool accounts.
" A total of $38.7 million in other CWB revenue was transferred into the contingency fund, including $25.5 million on non-sales revenue from the CWB pool accounts that would not otherwise have been transferred." This statement implies that non sales revenue is really not producer money and cares not to share with producers a definition. This brings up a scary point that has been evident for some time. The CWB seems to be able to claim ownership of certain revenues within the board as if it were their own and not that of producers. We contribute dollars through unrealistic basis levels on PPO's yet that seems to be just classed as general revenue with free disgression on it's use. Maybe the government should be hiring CWB staff to convince the general public that the current deficits we are incurring really don't have to be paid back. Time to ask some serious questions at the farm forums.What impact will the current losses have on future basis levels in the PPO's? Will the non sales revenue taken from the pool accounts be repaid from the contingency fund? Does this shift of money from pool accounts impact the current returns to this years pool accounts? Will the surplus from the contingency fund a number of years ago that was dumped into the pool accounts be taken into consideration? If the losses in the contingency fund are not coming from farmers pockets could someone explain where it is coming from ? Feel free to add your own.