Dreamer, maybe I was a bit hasty to label you a "typical" socialist but you were using typical socialist arguments, thinking and definitions when it comes to Capitalism.
You call my definition a softened version I would call it a more accurate one. One of the problems is that we continually let the Socialists frame the debate using their language and their definitions which are filled with all sorts of falsehoods and smears. They can't win an honest debate so they create straw dog arguments like the slavery one to hoodwink folks with.
Another one that you've bought into is the corporate one. That under capitalism the corporations would run everything and as you say over the last couple of hundred years they're track record hasn't always been the greatest. What we have to remember is that these corporations have not been running under a Capitalist system, they have been running under a Fascist/Statist system, some call it Corporatism.
In a a truly Capitalist system there would be a strict separation of State and the economy in the same way as we now have a strict separation of Church and State and for exactly the same reason. The problem today is that too many companies are too close to government and vice versa and they are all doing favours for each other. I mean just look back at how many Secretaries of the US Treasury were ex-Goldman Sachs chairmen. 'nuff said.
By the way I would include Unions in this as well, I don't think they should get any special privileges from Government either.
As to your question of whether monopolies would naturally form without the help of government, I really don't think that would be possible. Every one that I know of was created by government intervention.
The necessary precondition is -closed entry— the barring of all competing producers from a given field. This can be accomplished only by an act of government intervention.
Then there's your concern that without government intervention people wouldn't look out for one another. There is a good book on the subject called 'From Mutual Aid to the Welfare State'. Before Government took over the role private citizens did a pretty darn good job of looking after each other and I think would do so again. But if they don't have to now, why would they?
You call my definition a softened version I would call it a more accurate one. One of the problems is that we continually let the Socialists frame the debate using their language and their definitions which are filled with all sorts of falsehoods and smears. They can't win an honest debate so they create straw dog arguments like the slavery one to hoodwink folks with.
Another one that you've bought into is the corporate one. That under capitalism the corporations would run everything and as you say over the last couple of hundred years they're track record hasn't always been the greatest. What we have to remember is that these corporations have not been running under a Capitalist system, they have been running under a Fascist/Statist system, some call it Corporatism.
In a a truly Capitalist system there would be a strict separation of State and the economy in the same way as we now have a strict separation of Church and State and for exactly the same reason. The problem today is that too many companies are too close to government and vice versa and they are all doing favours for each other. I mean just look back at how many Secretaries of the US Treasury were ex-Goldman Sachs chairmen. 'nuff said.
By the way I would include Unions in this as well, I don't think they should get any special privileges from Government either.
As to your question of whether monopolies would naturally form without the help of government, I really don't think that would be possible. Every one that I know of was created by government intervention.
The necessary precondition is -closed entry— the barring of all competing producers from a given field. This can be accomplished only by an act of government intervention.
Then there's your concern that without government intervention people wouldn't look out for one another. There is a good book on the subject called 'From Mutual Aid to the Welfare State'. Before Government took over the role private citizens did a pretty darn good job of looking after each other and I think would do so again. But if they don't have to now, why would they?