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Spring 2009!

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    Spring 2009!

    The closer I get to planting this crop the further I seem to be getting behind with preparation.
    Cleaning last year we were done buy now, This year just Barley and oats done. Last year two bags grain still on ground this year 12. Road bans start Monday. Last year round up in shed fert in bins. Yes both are ordered but haven't taken home yet. New Big diesel tank ordered and will arrive Monday, but have to build the site.
    ETC ETC ETC> And no its not because of the winter holidays.
    I think its the roller coaster we have just experienced in the last 12 to `5 months. We went from their is shortages of every single thing. CHINA INDIA RUSSIA were needing lots of Fert, Equipment etc. Prices have no where to go but up, Air drills couldn't get a new one and if could would cost $500,000.00. Deere Case, NH and even Massey couldn't get you Combines etc. Then around time we were harvesting the largest crop ever (Yes I was Wrong) the proverbial Shit hit the Fan. Banks were failing. US and Europe were in Turmoil. Our Dollar nose dived. Oil patch in Alberta lay-ed people off. Ontario and Quebec basket cases, Saskatchewan a Island it all this.
    Every day I read how its getting worse. Billionaires are loosing Billions. Hell people who thought they were rich a couple of months back are now really poor.
    Burt and Erny and Sesame street are getting Lade off.
    Viterra looses Millions again and still tells us all is right and were expanding.
    Now us farmers are told we will be the ones driving Lamborghini. Yea I hope that happens so I can retire.
    Yes spring will come we will all seed a crop again and guess what Mother Nature will tell us if its a good year or not. Not some EXPERT,

    My first day of spring starts with a nightmare the night before, where everybody around me starts seeding and i havent started doing anything.Then i wake up and have massive amounts of nervous energy and anxiety until the i put in the first full day on the tractor.Then a tone of bricks is taken off my mind and i relax.Even though the real work is just starting.


      cotton your dream is eerily similar to mine. I wake up and its gone from May 1 to the 10 of June, everybody else is starting to spray and I have done nothing. Pretty restless and grumpy untill I actually have some seed in the ground.
      Every year it starts the same, I thought I was the only one.


        Hey, I thought you's guys/gals loved ag challenges? Why be nervous, we've all hit home runs during the past year and are sittin pretty. Fuel is coming down in price, fertilizer bins are bulgin, chem is available, agents are sukin up. Money, hell nobody ever needed money to farm, just use less, summiefallow, grow a smaller crop, it'll be worth more in the long run. Maybe even a drought round the corner from the sounds of it. Setting up real good for farmers this year. Enough of the whinnning and sniveling already, just pay your income taxes and be thankful, that we in Canada have such a strong banking and economy, after all we are well placed to weather the storm. Ferget all that you see goin on around us, job loss, equipment lots fulla stuff, cats and diggers parked, young rednecks tearing around in the financed monster picups, big rigs drivin even faster. Work harder you'll make it, or not! We got Agri stabblility, agriinsurance, agridiaastor stuff of all sorts. Talk to your acc'ts and brokers they hep yas!!


          Here's a new bumper sticker, thats makin the rounds. "Lord, please give us another boom, this time we promise not to p-ss it agin the wall"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            Burpfart you actually made me laugh. That is a funny bumper sticker.
            Please give us another boom. This time we promise not to piss it away.
            Reality for a lot of people out their.




              To quote Parsley -"DON'T FEED THE PIGEONS"


                I know warm weather is getting me excited.

                Funny My Dad has those type of nightmares about getting the crop in. I don't, not one to worry much I guess. Seeding is my favorite time of year and I feel pretty organized right now but I'll probably have a couple of panic mornings around mid April. Anyway we're usually one of the first to the field in our area, last year we got a little horny on our early canola.



                  Were you on drugs when you wrote that?

                  Do you 'kick' your dog often?

                  Spring IS comming... much to be done... and politics are at a fever pitch... government wants to manipulate and regulate anything that is alive!

                  Ignore the static... and plant the crop....

                  We in western Canada... farm in the best country in the world. It's not perfect... but it is worth fighting for and making even better!


                    You know Burb, you had a chance to look like the victim here but you just stooped down to Ron's level. To bad.


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