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Netiquette: The Ten Commandments

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    Netiquette: The Ten Commandments

    The following are general principles of netiquette,
    or network etiquette:

    1. Remember the human. Keep in mind that other
    internet users are real people with real feelings. Do
    not do something that you wouldn't want to happen
    to you.

    2. Generally, adhere to the same standards of
    behaviour as you do offline.

    3. Lurk before you leap. Know where you are in
    cyberspace and get a feel of the local conventions
    before doing anything. For example, chat room
    slang such as lol or ig2g may not be acceptable in

    4. Respect other people's time and bandwidth.
    Before you post anything, make sure it is of benefit
    to those who will read it. If its in a discussion, make
    sure it is relevant, try to post in plain text and
    check spelling and grammar.

    5. Before asking a question, read the FAQs.

    6. Make yourself look good. Participate in
    discussions and post frequently, but not just so that
    you can see your name. Try to share your unique
    viewpoint, experience and/or expert knowledge.

    7. Respect other people's privacy.

    8. Help to keep flame wars and other
    disagreements under control. Do not add fuel to
    the fire.
    If you believe someone is wrong or has violated
    certain rules, tell him/her in private email - do not
    post a follow up to the offending post. Be polite as
    it may be an honest mistake.

    9. Do not abuse your power. For example, if you're
    a moderator or administrator, do not make life
    unnecessarily difficult for others.

    10. Forgive others.

    I found the above info online not sure what web site it was from I was in a hurry and forgot to post the web address with the info.
    One thing it did not mention is avoid swearing, it is very tempting to use swear words to express our emotions but it is definitely not polite. Some people may be offended by it.
    It also makes you look as smart as some kid in grade 6.
    I think the moderators are doing a great job as well on this site. The info about the moderators in my post above was part of ten commandments and I did not edit the info.


      All very good points.

      I have found that each and every one of the "commandments" plus your additional one of swearing, have been broken to some degree although the swearing and other baaaaad word usage, usually results in the posting being pulled and sometimes the user being warned or banished from the site.

      We all get carried away at times when angry or frustrated...that is human nature.



        I forgive everybody!

        Rap your arms around yourself and squeeze,pretend its cotton giving you a big hug!


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