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Good rally so far today!

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    Good rally so far today!

    I hate to poast this but is anyone thinking of looking in hrsw for fall? The open market is up quite nice today, I am just woundering if anyone is whatching the borgs prices on hrws or winter wheat?

    I am watching FPC for 09/10. 11th - $7.41 after discount, 12th - $7.67, 13th - $7.47. Up today so might be back to last Thursday net. Also noticed today that later months were up lots too so I suspect a rally may be starting based on US weather speculation. I have a basis contract for 08/09 so am hoping we see a significant weather scare over the next month or so which should help be positive to both plans. If not, I'll just hope the PRO on my unpriced tonnes picks up the slack.....I feel naked relying on that though.


      been doin' some checking for May Fixed 08-09 tonight, HRS is only off a nickel from Oct 1st/08, 'May contract' pricing. check the May chart, we're making up alot on the exchange !


        usdx got up and puked,struggling to bounce off the bottom of its trend line.

        Bonds-only steers and *****s are stupid enough.

        Dow-dead cat bounce,and even crazy cat lady down the street knows it

        foreign stocks-yes as long as it rymhes with asia


        gold-running out of steam,see it in a bit

        grains-lookin cheap


          FPC on 2009/10 CPS is 6.73 vs PRO of 6.80 (if you trust the PRO). Not a bad discount to lock in a definate price.
          I started pricing a bit today so it should jump .20 tomorrow. And the day after that and the day after that and the day after that.

          With 5.20 CPS vs 9.00 Canola I dont see as much canola going in this year? Even non-board feed @ 4.50 off the combine will compete with canola.


            cotton, have you looked at the Light Crude (NYMEX) weekly chart, to me it sure looks like a solid bottom


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