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CWB survey time again

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    CWB survey time again

    Here's a quick list of questions do you know about them yes/no?
    Have you used them?
    How satisfied are you? 1-5
    1 it sucks, 5 its great

    What do you think of the CWB, Why?
    cash advance
    Market development contracts
    Delivery contracts
    Best price possible
    Advocate on Railways
    Director meetings
    Training on PPO/ workshops
    Combine to customer, the port course No mention on that they are good courses or not or that all farmers pay for the indoctrination of others
    Target/basis contracts
    Lots of questions on E-services
    Grain Flow

    1st time I remember many questions on demographics will these make it to the public version?
    north or south of Highway 1
    Age range
    % of acres through CWB
    increase or decrease in CWB acres

    Well that is one fine topped cow in the photo. Having been interviewed more that once and more than likely so have you, I would suspect that the exchange would have been more subtle than that. I want to believe that there was diplomacy long before this meeting. How it really has gone down, time will tell. While I agree honey is better than vinegar, it seems the Ritz might have a backbone after all.



      Want me to make a click chart on PN to establish some stats, using the format you posted?

      btw, gusty,I found the pics from the Regina WCWG tour and BBQ if you still want them. I'd misfiled them. Pars


        I guess the points I wanted to make most were.
        Think about your possible responses to these questions that were posed to me by the "Monopoly"
        Also the demographics questions I believe are important, as to
        Who was polled?
        Who supports the "Monopoly"?
        Who resists it and why
        I hope that the monopoly directors and the policy makers in the Liberal party, realize that their positions cost me money.
        Without my grain the other pillers of the CWB can survive.

        Its up to you about putting it on your notebook, and the BBQ pics would be good you've got my e-mails


          Noted your question on demographic in the survey. this has always
          been a part of the CWB survey.


          No results were released in 2008 but the full interview schedule (i.e.
          unedited results) were provided in 2007.



            That's interesting. And if I think about it in the context of those glossy ads they put out this past winter with all of those young farmers in them I'd guess there's an old to young age split on the monopoly.


              I should note the survey is of permit book holders. The average age of farmers (most of whom have a CWB permit book) is somewheres in the 56 to 58 year old area. You can look at questions 25 to 36 of the 2007 interview schedule and get a lot of information on the demographics of the grain industry. Boring stuff for farmers but the basis for understanding what is going on with an issue like the CWB.

              to the original question, you can look at 2007 and likely apply the information to both the 2008 and currently being done 2009 surveys - things don't change that quickly.


                Hey Gust was wondering about something. If most people are like me and really hate these constant phone surveys perhaps they should do a mail out survey, may provide a better more thoughtful response to questions. Perhaps farmers could recommend this during or after the survey. You know some of these questions need some thought, and during a phone survey everyone is just trying to get done as fast as possible, well except if your in the average age bracket you would have more time.


                  It can be done via mail and actually internet (best way) but the problem is only people with strong views express themselves with the remainder ignoring or tossing into the garbage (real or virtual). Uncommitted or complacent will not express themselves. a telephone survey with real people can capture the opinions of all. Responses in the gray area (not sure or don't care) is just as important as someone with a firm pro open market or single desk.


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