Hi Tom
Perhaps I did a better job that time.
Low prices make poor people poorer as I have tried to explain before.
They must export more to earn the same dollars.
Would there ever be a surplus with sable prices??
Buyers as they get bigger and global, I see you are getting a new mega trader on your patch,they are driving prices lower by implying they can buy cheaper elsewhere in the world.
Unless we farmers form some kind of global marketing research body.
How are we going to know different?
I repeat I believed you could grow canola at $5/bu.
You yourself told me you need $7and $8 would be better.
These are price levels I am happy with too.
I see no gain only pain for everybody if price falls to $5.
So why do we let it happen?
Have you found anybody in the world who farms like us who is happy at $5/bu.
Those Brazilian guys where only expanding to survive low prices.
Look outside our industry see how others market.
A burger is the same price near enough no matter which chain you buy from.
A car is the same price like for like no matter what badge is on the front.
All our imputs are competitively priced
never more than a $or2 between them.
They monitor each others prices and compete in other ways.
You cannot buy a cheap burger coz they made one bun too many.
I believe that is a similar comparison
We let prices fall till everyone hurts because we might end up with one stale bun.
I see no sanity or morality in that.
Regards Ian
Perhaps I did a better job that time.
Low prices make poor people poorer as I have tried to explain before.
They must export more to earn the same dollars.
Would there ever be a surplus with sable prices??
Buyers as they get bigger and global, I see you are getting a new mega trader on your patch,they are driving prices lower by implying they can buy cheaper elsewhere in the world.
Unless we farmers form some kind of global marketing research body.
How are we going to know different?
I repeat I believed you could grow canola at $5/bu.
You yourself told me you need $7and $8 would be better.
These are price levels I am happy with too.
I see no gain only pain for everybody if price falls to $5.
So why do we let it happen?
Have you found anybody in the world who farms like us who is happy at $5/bu.
Those Brazilian guys where only expanding to survive low prices.
Look outside our industry see how others market.
A burger is the same price near enough no matter which chain you buy from.
A car is the same price like for like no matter what badge is on the front.
All our imputs are competitively priced
never more than a $or2 between them.
They monitor each others prices and compete in other ways.
You cannot buy a cheap burger coz they made one bun too many.
I believe that is a similar comparison
We let prices fall till everyone hurts because we might end up with one stale bun.
I see no sanity or morality in that.
Regards Ian