Hi Tom
We have no agency to market grain in UK.
I would say it is very like your canola market mostly individual farmer ,some small co-ops or group storage/ marketing companies,trades with multi-national traders. Very few independant traders left.
This is why your CWB appeared to, be a solution from a far, and I am still not sure what the outcome of its removal would be.
I don't want to run this idea of mine and I don't want anybody else to have power over my crops or the way I farm.
I want some-one to give me specific marketing advice
I have an independant agronamist for advice on crops and sprays.
I am sure you do too. otherwise you would not know the threshholds for diamond moth and could not make an informed judgement on wether to spray or not.
They check all the data to arrive at the threshholds, we still have the final decision to spray or not.
I am sure if numbers get much higher you will spray. The advice is sound.
If we could get Charlie to say, Noboby in the world can produce canola for less than $7/bu.
Would that not give us the confidence not to sell for less.
Produce a list for all comodities publish worldwide in terms farmers understand.
See if we could learn to market the way we produce.
I think we are good at following sound advice.
We need farmers experts to give the advice, so I guess that means we have to pay them.
My agronamist is good value for money though!
A marketamist would be even better if we could avoid those low lows!!!!
Regards Ian
We have no agency to market grain in UK.
I would say it is very like your canola market mostly individual farmer ,some small co-ops or group storage/ marketing companies,trades with multi-national traders. Very few independant traders left.
This is why your CWB appeared to, be a solution from a far, and I am still not sure what the outcome of its removal would be.
I don't want to run this idea of mine and I don't want anybody else to have power over my crops or the way I farm.
I want some-one to give me specific marketing advice
I have an independant agronamist for advice on crops and sprays.
I am sure you do too. otherwise you would not know the threshholds for diamond moth and could not make an informed judgement on wether to spray or not.
They check all the data to arrive at the threshholds, we still have the final decision to spray or not.
I am sure if numbers get much higher you will spray. The advice is sound.
If we could get Charlie to say, Noboby in the world can produce canola for less than $7/bu.
Would that not give us the confidence not to sell for less.
Produce a list for all comodities publish worldwide in terms farmers understand.
See if we could learn to market the way we produce.
I think we are good at following sound advice.
We need farmers experts to give the advice, so I guess that means we have to pay them.
My agronamist is good value for money though!
A marketamist would be even better if we could avoid those low lows!!!!
Regards Ian