Parsley you are so right, there are so many subsidies which do we target.
While it is fair to say that as a rule all subsidy is not bad and indeed for the most part is intended to direct policy and create wealth it is kind of important the be sure that darn old cow gets the odd bit of hay so she can continue to produce milk.
The balance is in defining which subsidy adds fair value, the roll of government then becomes that of insuring the balance is maintained in relationshp to the competitors in Canada and around the world.
Given the fact that even with the renewed prosperity today net farm income still is lower than in the 70s,
therefore we can assume with the intervention of intellectual property rights, these subsidies have clearly have benefited the industry more than the farmers net income.
But we do get to grow 50 bushel canola crops.. gotta love that!
Plato said:
You cannot be a statesman until you understand the politics of grain, problem today is we are long pundits and short statesman, not only in government but in farm leadership.
While it is fair to say that as a rule all subsidy is not bad and indeed for the most part is intended to direct policy and create wealth it is kind of important the be sure that darn old cow gets the odd bit of hay so she can continue to produce milk.
The balance is in defining which subsidy adds fair value, the roll of government then becomes that of insuring the balance is maintained in relationshp to the competitors in Canada and around the world.
Given the fact that even with the renewed prosperity today net farm income still is lower than in the 70s,
therefore we can assume with the intervention of intellectual property rights, these subsidies have clearly have benefited the industry more than the farmers net income.
But we do get to grow 50 bushel canola crops.. gotta love that!
Plato said:
You cannot be a statesman until you understand the politics of grain, problem today is we are long pundits and short statesman, not only in government but in farm leadership.