Another thought along these lines...
even though it will never happen it would be nice if all farmers stopped forward contracting. I know it lowers our price risk a bit but I think it lowers risk more for buyers and end users. They are the ones who benefit most from forward contracts not farmers.
This malt thing last year is a classic example, put out a big price to get farmers to seed acres then there is lots around and they don't have to buy the high priced contracted stuff. Make an excuse not to take it and buy the cheap stuff.
They didn't want another 2007 where they took barley that looked like rat shit.
even though it will never happen it would be nice if all farmers stopped forward contracting. I know it lowers our price risk a bit but I think it lowers risk more for buyers and end users. They are the ones who benefit most from forward contracts not farmers.
This malt thing last year is a classic example, put out a big price to get farmers to seed acres then there is lots around and they don't have to buy the high priced contracted stuff. Make an excuse not to take it and buy the cheap stuff.
They didn't want another 2007 where they took barley that looked like rat shit.