One week ago my sons teacher was telling the class how things will get worse for us poor farmers if we lost the cwb. He said he never told her what his dad thinks of them, because he found he cannot win a arguement with a teacher. Told him supporters are the same way.
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Obviously, one of those teachers who can't do basic math and who doesn't want to teach our kids how to think for themselves.
Unfortunately, he also has power over your son's grades. Challenging him with facts and logic would not bode well for juniors final marks. This sounds like an egghead who wants and is training blind followers.
Not sure how old your son is there, I would think if below grade 8 you should have a talk with your teacher. If older then your son should have a talk with your teacher and ask for a debate on the issue, and your teacher should be able to put aside his or her one sided point of view. The kids could all go home one night and ask their parents of the pros and cons of a monopoly.
maybe this teacher believes in democracy and the fact that the majority of farmers support the CWB.
Just because the supposed majority of farmers who bothered to vote want the CWB to market their wheat, why does that mean that the supposed minority has to sell too? Obviously we are mis-represented and I believe that democracy is misused and not appropriate in this circumstance. Democracy is not good in the sense that if anyone finds themselves in the minority group that they are out of luck and that democracy can't be used in the majority of situations. Here is an example, if democracy interpreted means the majority rule, what happens if 55% of the people think that the other 45% of people should be shot, or if 60% of people didn't want to drink water while 40% wanted to? Most people would think that the majority shouldn't be able to control the minority or do as they will with the minority as an extreme example and things like this shouldn't be subject to vote. Most things and decisions in this life shouldn't be subject to a majority vote because the rights of minorities will be taken away by the majority and coerced to the will of the majority. Most things should be decided by individual freedom and individuals cooperating with each other with the absence of coercion and violence, under the law rather than the majority making decisions for the minority. For very important things like the freedom to do as you will with the fruits of your labor, should not be subject to majority directive. Again I ask, why can't I do whatever I want with wheat and barley?
Regarding teachers, as much as we all need them, they are social servents working for their union who would naturally like things like the wheat board and other socialist things. I went through it in my schooling and I always challenged the teachers. Teachers like to be challenged by their students in a constructive way and that students who have a different perspective should voice that perspective. Maybe some of society's ill-informed things could be influenced by teachers like this who influence students to think in certain ways without knowing the facts. It is an outrageous, idealistic statement to make by a teacher that it would be the end of the farmer if the wheat board goes away because clearly that isn't the case. It isn't the case for Ontario farmers, Brazilian farmers and farmers who don't grow CWB grains. Your son should stand up for what he believes in whether that is in freedom or coercion to these teachers.
With all the religous issues in the school systems nowadays, I think it is quite bold for a teacher to comment on the CWB religion. If enough parents complained to the proper authorities, maybe the teachers would have to be properly educated to comment on issues that they are uneducated on.
Students should ask for the proof!
Iam rather surprised the cwb topic would be a subject of discussion in todays classroom.How many young people even know or care about farming let alone the compulsory expropriation marking practices and tactics of the cwb?
Iam not clear on how it's concluded that a majortity of farmers support the cwb?
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