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    His name fits his actions.


    There is a little poll question in the left side bar of that story that I got satisfaction, from answering!


      "quantitative and credit easing"

      That language is too sophisticated for my liking as I'm a 'call a spade a spade' kinda woman.

      How about plain old, "Print money" !

      Lots of people NEED to keep the cash flowing in.

      For example. the CBC needs more cash.

      Yes, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation of Canada executives need to have more money made available, because they cannot, and must not, and willnot(note I ran those two words together) have their lifestyle standards violated:


      Keep planting boys. You have a lot of taxes to come up with. Pars


        The question will become who can print money the fastest. It's a race to the bottom, and I think Obama's going to win.




            Carnies, small hands, smell like cabbage.... For you, Austin Powers. Ya baby.

            But seriously, don't think there has been a good discussion on how ag will weather this recession. Is ag in a good position to do so? Farmers? Inputs industry? .. Which is really gonna bleed after this spring. Exporters?

            I think the farmers will do ok. Probably one of the best industries to be in during a recession. Its after where it seems more difficult and wealth shifts back to the others. Thoughts? Negative inflation effects? Capital values? Hmmmm.


              lol...part of the problem in all of this is that the path was chosen LONG ago...now you have policy makers in all the industrialized nations kinda heading in the same direction when it comes to fiscal policy...to stop mid track now and change would probably send the etire G20 into chaos...but if you COULD hit the delete button...i am curious what (we) the armchair economists...would do differently...and how far back do you think you would have to go to fix the systemic problem???

              this would not be a simple two or three word fix...its not just Canada we are talking about...your economic plan has to allow for the changing world economy and the growth of the asian markets and how it impacted credit and policy in Europe and North America...and it has to allow for the psychology of consumerism and the changing needs of a general populace...

              no doubt the case at hand is being handled (incorrectly)...at least to some extent...but its too easy (and intelletually bankrupt) to critizise the status quo without offering a viable (viable meaning something short of attilla the hun..lol)...alternative...

              i have been muddling this around for some time now...i am still at a loss as to how far back i would have to go to even START changing things...??

              what do YOU guys think?? vs


                VD-"to stop mid track now and change would probably send the entire G20 into chaos..."

                Frisco- What makes you think that? And what makes you think that it's better to just follow the herd? Is the herd always right? Or does it just make you feel better to have company?

                VD-"its not just Canada we are talking about...your economic plan has to allow for the changing world economy and the growth of the Asian markets and how it impacted credit and policy in Europe and North America...and it has to allow for the psychology of consumerism and the changing needs of a general populace..."

                Frisco- Sounds like you're in central planner mode. This is one of the biggest problems, the mindset that you (not you specifically VD) have to control everything, all the time. Economics is like a force of nature, you can build a home that can withstand a hurricane but you're never going to be able to stop the hurricane. Central bankers believe that they can just by printing more money. All they've done is postpone the storm and in all likelihood made it worse.

                "no doubt the case at hand is being handled (incorrectly)...at least to some extent..."

                No, to a large extent.

                "but its too easy (and intelletually bankrupt) to critizise the status quo without offering a viable (viable meaning something short of attilla the hun..lol)...alternative..."

                What do you consider the 'Atila the Hun' solution?

                VD-"i have been muddling this around for some time now...i am still at a loss as to how far back i would have to go to even START changing things...??"

                Frisco- Isn't the better question, what should we do moving forward?


                  absolutely frisco...i agree on many of your points...i wasnt defending what is going on...i was only pointing that it is HERE now...in reality you CANT turn back time to start again..but how would you change things if you could...

                  what makes me think it would send the G20 into chaos?? ANYTHING you do to go to some sort of control standard at this point...ie...all of a sudden plunge into the goldstandard full speed ahead and damn the torpedos...will cause business and personal bankruptcies hithertofore unseen...job losses and unemployment in the area of 30-50%...now i know it will be short to medium term...but what do you tell those people??

                  i like your analogy of economics being a force of nature...so...when the red river floods...or the forest fires rage as in okanagan a few years back...SOMEONE in central control was there to help re-build...just as SOMEONE needs to be there to control the hurrciane that would be the economy..(you still are only criticizing my suggestions you are NOT supplying solutions)...it is easy for (you,me,us) to say too bad about the people that fall into the cracks...

                  and again frisco...you keep saying all is wrong...EVERYTHING everyone is doing is WRONG...but in your entire text you offer NO viable alternative or even the SNIFF of a viable alternative...which was the entire point of my post...

                  go forward...wow...now THAT is sage advice (sorry for the dripping sarcasm but i dont think that would satisfy the policy makers as to a viable solution)..you keep trying to pigeonhole me...i DONT agree with how things are being done...but to blithely take potshots from behind hay bales...seems somehow de-evolutionary...so i wont just snipe away day after day...even though i DONT agree...one runs the risk of being pigeonholed that way...lol...vs


                    Vaga-go to you tube and start watching some peter shiff videos and educate yourself.


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