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Pot Corp CEO Crying Farmers arent using our product.

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    Pot Corp CEO Crying Farmers arent using our product.


    Farmers answer back to Useless arrogant out of touch CEO.
    Were using way less because you out priced yourself from the market its that simple sherlock.

    "Beyond then, he predicted, potash demand will blossom, ``leading us to an exceptional 2010.''

    But in the meantime, after taking 39 mine shutdown weeks in the first quarter, ``we will continue to reduce production by as many tonnes as it takes'' to stabilize prices. "

    Mr, Doyle doesn't comment on how much the mines in the rest of the world are producing extra. Do they think they are immune to the world over producing because of high prices? Gosh everyone plus their dog is invested in POT these days.


      Although if he is right that producers reduced their fertilizer this year then that is bullish for our grain prices.


        The Union, by striking, did Pot Corp. a great favor, 1) Cut production with a legitimate reason, 2) Didn't have to pay the workers to stay home. But once again as we've seen time and time again, this time the unions hurt farmers by cutting supplies and allowing fertilizer prices to stay high.


          I'd like to tell him to blow it out his &^%.


            We should charge him $20 for a loaf of bread and see how long he keeps eating beagles in the morning.


              He eats little puppy dogs for breakfast? I knew he was cruel and heartless, but that's way over the top.


                you stole my line, but said it better


                  screw you boyle we will do like the Chinese and Indians build our own mines./


                    I wounder if he believes the BS he spouts out of his mouth. God this guy is in for a rude awakening.


                      More likely he is in for a large bonus!!



                        These guys are as arrogant as the CWB... and almost as stupid!

                        For years we used P2O5 as a starter/seed treatment.

                        There are better products... at much less cost. Much of the prairies don't need potash as we have huge reserves.

                        Potash corp has no monopoly... especially on brains!



                          Perhaps the Potash Corp has been watching the supreme court!

                          A new use for their mines... good branding already in place... CW(weed)B ready to go with monopoly marketing!


                            Seen this guy talk on CNN this early this winter. Was telling everybody things looked good for the company. That us farmers really needed it to grow a crop and we were in really good shape. I did not know who he was fooling, himself, us farmers or the share holders?


                              My email to potash corp this morning.

                              Well well,are the fertilizer companies finally starting to realize that people don't eat fertilizer? Farmers don't appeciate being blamed for causing a decrease in food supplies.If anyone is to blame it is the greedy bastard corporations such as yours that we have today.Have a nice day..


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